Chapter Six

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Macy's POV (17 yrs old)

I can't believe is been 9 years since my mother left me. I got tired of staying in that stinking orphanage with that evil headmistress so I was an angel for the southern family who adopted me. I had only one condition however, that I keep my first name since they wanted to change my identity period. I couldn't let them take away the last thing I have that is a physical part of my momma. Her name was Marcy Xyron. I'm Macy Xyron. No one will ever change that.

"Where is that good for nothing daughter of yours?!" a slurred voice booms.

Jaxton Kelly. That pig keeps trying to get my clothes off and make me bare his seed. Yuck!

Because I age so slowly alot of people are wary of me. Calling me names and other actions that jeopardize my life and foster family's safety. Since Jaxton thought it would be cool to bang the local alien he offered his family's protection in exchange for the unlimited access of my time and attention. Until I'm 18 of course. He has until then to court me with my parents' automatic consent to my marring him. His family does own alot of businesses down here in Tennessee. Let's not mention the family has alot of cops and judges in the bloodlines. Lawyers, doctors you name it. Yeah, Im stuck. Tommorow is my birthday and he's celebrating my freedom and his loss.

"Hey sexxxx-she..." he said while falling into my dresser.

Ugh that man! I still look 15 for crying out loud!

"wanna partyy, I mean really party. Par-tay. Lets get all kissy and...hold on" his stomach lurched and he locked himself in the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and pulled the heavy chest from the guest bedroom. I blocked the door with it the long way. The hallway is small enough to where he can push open the door to stick his nose out only. The chest hits the wall across the way. Thus giving me a trapped Jaxton. I talked to my lawyer in private behind Gloria's back. She wasn't a very good patron as far as being my foster mother. All my money went to her. I did essays and homework for money over a period of 3 years. It payed off too. I graduated last weekend and now we are in summer. I hope into my lawyers waiting car down the street with two bulging bags slung over my shoulders. He only agreed to help because he thought I'd give it up. Yeah right.

"Where to?" he drawled slowly trying to sound sexy. Soo not working.

"Texas" I said quickly wanting to leave before Gloria notices my absence.

" what's eatin you?" he said clearly offended that I didn't flirt back.

"My period is on. Just started this morning I'm in for a week and a half of pain" I lie.

He shudders and turns on the car. Men and blood. Haha works every time. I gotta find a way to ditch him before the week is up. I think I'll call his wife once we hit a hotel in Texas. She's going to spilt his wig. I snicker to myself while drifting to sleep as we enter the highway.

Macy's POV (present day)

"There's alot we need to talk about." I whisper in his hair.

"I agree." he says almost inaudible to my ears.

I stand and pull him to his feet. He looked at me with an expression I didn't understand. Guilt? Confusion? Hurt? Only time will tell me. I sway slightly, his hands grasp my waist. I hope to feel his chest against me and I relax more acting as though I'm on the verge of fainting.

"Hey..are you okay?" he keeps me just far enough from him.

Ugh! Damn it. Wait why am I acting like this? I don't know him. Not really. I do know he's hurting like was. Still am, whatever.

"I'm a little hungry. Aren't you? You're eyes are turning dark." I say while taking in my surroundings.

He stiffens and his fingers curl lightly in a sweet spot. My back tingled and I shook lightly.

"What are you talking about?" he says stiffly.

He swoops me up bridal style and didn't realize he had his face in the hollow of my neck until I took his face in my hands and kissed his forehead. He smiled but it quickly faded as I went limp in his arms, my eyes open and glazed over. In a panicked voice he called my name. In my minds third eye I watched Jasper's life from beginning to now flash across my brain.

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