Chapter 17

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Macy's POV

I froze as Bella became stiff next to me and pushed me to the ground behind her. I smelled the blood and saw the slow stepping feet under a car we were about to past. The little girl I was talking to moved away from the boy they call Jacob. I heard fabric ripping and saw his massive russet colored wolf appear where he was standing. The child placed her finger tips on my shoulder in a motion I almost didnt catch. I heard the ocean waves crashing against the cliff side of a place I had never been to before.  In my mind I could see the waves and smell the air. My rigid body beagan to relax slightly. When my name was hissed in a sickly manner I snapped the hazy vision in my mind like a rubberband. It broke and i was looking at the rib cage of the wolf Jacob turned into moments ago. I felt my mind merge with another that was probing mine trying to gain control. I was paralyzed and fear gripped me. I heard a growl behind me and I knew it was Jasper. He wasnt coming to my aid and I figured he couldnt feel my distress. I lost against the probing mind and my walls broke. I was reasured that it was the child beside me. I relaxed as she instructed me to absorb the memories of the creature infront of us before Jasper destroyed her. I watched a portal of light suck me into a darker end. Once more i watched a life from begining to now flow into my memory bank. I was starting to lose acknowledgement of my task while the onslaught of visions bombarded my open mind. I was gently lended strength to form a visible wall to sort out the things I saw. I sorted through the woman's memeories and transfered them to the child.  The thigns we didnt need she expelled from my mind and helped me to replace my mental barriers and solidify my persona internally. Once she was satisfied I was myself again she withdrew from my mind and watched with chlling awe as Jasper crushed her skull within his hands. Jacob stalked forward and crushed the woman's chest by stepping on her. I was in the car looking out the window trying to retreave the images and information I sorted through. To my utter embarassment I could recall nothing. I knew when Jasper got me alone he would ask me a million questions, I wouldn't have an answer for him. The fact that I  don't have answers for myself is frustrating period.  I tried to read the child by touching her accidentaly a few times. I was slammed into a black void. I tried to probe harder the last time and I blacked out from her retaliation. I awoke when Jasper placed me on a black satin king sized bed in a dim room.  The sun was rising and I was about to ask Jasper where we were when I saw the child again. She smiled tightly and touched my forhead in a soothing manner. I was about to scoff at being comforted in a motherly way by one younger than me when sleepiness enveloped me within seconds. I couldnt wake from this void even if I tried. I know she did this to me. She was hiding something from me and for a moment I considered the likelyhood of Jasper and his family trapping me for the Voltouri. For Aro.  

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