Chapter 9

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Macy's POV

Okay no more games. Time to talk.

"I won't speak until I'm clothed. You can do it or hand over the pants and shirt." I said firmly

He stood and I tensed...he walks over to me with my clothing in hand. The closer he got the harder I breathed. Without breaking our locked gaze he pulled the towel from around me and placed my clothes in my hands. Then he turned around and I shakily covered myself. "Okay. You can look.." I whisper unsure. He walks to he couch and stops.

"sit with me. And tell me what I need to know to understand what you did earlier," he says.

"okay" I nod while sitting.

He places his arm around me and pulls me onto his chest while laying back. Our feet where up and the spotlight is on me. I take a deep breath and admire the indicate design on his well worn boots. They didn't have the traditional point but the buckle around the ankle still screamed "yeee-haw". I chuckle to my self and snuggle closer to his body. The coolness seeping in and permeating my bones. Relaxing my frenzied mind as I explained my life to the beautiful creature that walked into it.


My mother was held captive by Aro since she was 27. He had women brought to Italy from many underground traffic organizations that sold women. A few women were rescued from the cargo by my mom who had been a police officer stationed in Italy at the time. After a gruesome divorce she threw herself into her work. To save 30 women she had given herself up to the trafficker. He inturn sold her to Aro. One of the leaders of the Volturi. When her wanted free sex he would waste himself on the slaves he kept hidden from the other two leaders. My mother being one of them. When issues raised about the clan in Denali he had little time to sate his sexual desire and it fused with his bloodlust. He took my mother one last time before setting the women free. Or so hey thought. Within 5 weeks women were being slaughtered in the night all over Italy. My mother found she was pregnant and tried to kill me in hatrid towards my father. When he found out she was pregnant he recaptured her and kept her as a science experiment. She didn't fully go into what happened during her 3 months of carrying me. Only that they found a way to allow her to live without being changed or dying. She escaped with the help of some woman Aro had changed back in the Salem days. She turned out to be the mother of Jane and her twin brother. Aro had to stop searching for my mother and focus on moe pressing matters at hand. His guard kept a look out for us and didn't find her till I turned 7. It was kind out my fault really. A man my mother was dating had picked me up after I fell asleep in the movie theater. It was my birthday. My stomach growled and I wanted that delicious red drink my mommy used to make me. She said it helped growing boys and girls. I didn't have and of my special red drink and the neck of this man started to smell just like it. It was better than the pizza we had. Better than ice cream wiu sprinkles. I just had to have that red drink. I was sooo thirsty. So I bit him without thinking. My tasty red drink came flooding from his neck. My vision sharpened even more. My hearing got louder to. I heard screams but they didn't make sense. I had found my special red drink. I drank and drank until my pretty he dress was ruined. Only then did I realize something was wrong. My mommy had tears in her eyes as she picked me up and ran thru the back door and into the woods. I knew I had done something wrong. I hated to have my mommy cry. We lived in the backwoods of Texas until mommy found a home to take us. Only when it was time to move again..only I moved and my mommy was killed the next day. The letter she gave the headmistress to give to me once she had been declared dead answered all my questions. Also making me bitter and spiteful. Not trusting anyone especially men. That was why kids were scared of me. That's why on Sundays I got 36 lashes on my back and legs. That's why I let those dumb southerners take me away to Florida a year later. My mommy said to find the ones like me with golden eyes. The good guys. That they would protect me. That I would be safe and find someone to turn me into a princess. She told me to death for life and not death. For if I died her death would have been in vain. That no matter what I had her love. Now it wasn't enough. I needed someone elses' love. I was hoping it would be Jasper. I look like I'm 24. But really...I'm 45. I got fake birth certificates when ever I felt like I might be being watched. I kept to myself trusting and having no one know me for who I am.

-End Flashback-

I feel his breath become uneven. I shook him to his core. "Jasper..." I looked into his sad eyes, "what do I do now?" I asked. He lowered his head and brushed my cheek. I was crying again.

"You stay with me and my family Macy." he whispered before closing the gap between our lips.

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