Chapter thirteen

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Macy's POV

"Get on my back." Jasper says into my hair. Puzzled I turn and face him.

"Your back?" I ask.


"Uh...why? I'm not going to be carried into the airport like that. I promise I won't faint or touch anyone." I argue.

I place my hands on my hips and planted myself there. He can be macho another time. Not now, nope, no way was I passing up an opportunity to be back at the airport. I really wasn't feeling taking a 3 day train ride since our lives danger maybe? Lots of people. Makes it easier to hide and create diversions and things like that.

"Come on love, don't be difficult. I need to get us inside without anyone noticing. Our plane leaves in 10 minutes and we are in first class but still, the less people see us the better." he breathed impatiently.

No he is NOT getting huffy with me!

"You? Unseen? How?!" I scoff, " you're like a walking fantasy, if I'm lucky I'll still be standing next to you when we get bombarded by heated women." I sneer.

I couldn't help it I was edgy and he started it.

"Maybe you'll find a nice lady to bone while you're at it. A nice blonde? How about a red head, I heard they put out alot. Or maybe a sultry brunette with the hots for blondes like you?!" I didn't know where this came from I was shaking and itching to fight and rip someone to shreds, literally.

"Calm down, this is misplaced anger," he stated cooly.

"I know how worried you are but you have to let me protect you. You don't have to do this by yourself anymore." he held out his arms and I felt my knees give out from keeping my tears back. I refused to cry again.

"Hold me." I demanded quietly not trusting my voice. The lump in my throat was huge. So huge in fact that I ended up being carried bridal style again. I really need to stop with the emotional roller coaster. I felt my weariness dissipate and a numb calm wash over me. I think he said he was going to run so I need to hold my breath. Next I know I'm being strapped into a plush leather blue chair. A cool hand tight around my waist. I breath in deeply for the first time it seems. The pressure of take off soothed me more.

"I can't wait till you meet everyone. Especially Bella, you and her will take pretty well. Watch out for Jake though, he's a real dog when he wants to be. Loyal and..well a mutt through and through. A true alpha male. I'm proud of him really. Sticking by us all that time, it helped since Renesme is his imprinted mate." he said dreamily. His eyes zoned in on a far away place in his mind's eye. I stroked his jaw and he focused on me. I didn't like him being distant like that. The dream I had is still all too real to me. I need him as close as possible until he's safe. His family lost him once, twice is too much to bare. In a dream I felt my heart ripped bloodily from my chest at his absence then. If it were real I'm sure a hole would appear and my life would splatter on the floor before me. Its scary, the attachment I feel now. Just 2 days ago I couldn't care less about anyone. Now? He was like a physical piece of me. I finally found someone who knows me and things about me that I may not know about me. I found my kindred. I was going home. To a world where I fit like a snug piece in a complex puzzle, bonded with glue and held fast to others for support. With no family till Jasper, this is food for life to a starving child.

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