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Beside the disappointment that I felt when I found out the one way off this island was stored beneath my dorm building, I was at a loss when my mind wondered reasons as to why mine and Wilbur's files were missing.

Whatever the case, we got to the ship, which was sleek and technological. Zaine was leaning against the captain's seat while Cheshire sat in the passenger side and Cariba stood up, facing them. I noticed bags full of something on the floor. When we boarded and took a couple of steps, Zaine's eyes locked onto mine and Cheshire followed his gaze. I had to look away from him.

"So now that they're here..." Cariba continued. "Who's staying and who's leaving?"

"Leaving...staying...?" I questioned.

"We can't exactly land the jet for a pit stop as we pick up the others," Cariba reminded.


"Shh," Zaine said to Cheshire.

"I'll go," Warren volunteered.

"Maybe someone trusted should go," Cariba suggested.

"Fine, then I'll go," Cheshire shrugged. Cariba rolled her eyes.

"Like I said, maybe someone trusted should go," she said, this time in an offensive manor. Cheshire still shot her an appreciative yet sarcastic smile and placed a hand over his "sensitive" heart.

"All three of us can go," Warren settled.

And I'd be left alone with Zaine.

"Sounds like a plan," I nodded when Zaine's composure seemed...out of it. Warren handed me the few files in his arms and nodded for them to leave.

"Wait, you're letting me leave with these two idiots in a forest?" Cariba asked Zaine. He shook his head out of whatever trance he was in.

"Warren is advanced and knows his way around the forest," he assured. Cariba gestured towards the other boy, who was smirking. "He'll be of use some way."

"She just doesn't want to be alone with me because she'll jump on me the first chance she gets," Cheshire smirked and then sent out a wink. Cariba crossed her arms and contemplated just how worthy it is to kill him then and now.

But the most interesting thing was that Warren stepped up to Cheshire as if pissed off.

"Not with me around," he growled and then looked like he'd fight him, but then his eyes softened when they met Cariba's and his straight face twitched because he didn't know how to cover the obvious feelings he had for her. Apparently his awkwardness worked because she brushed shoulders with him as she left. Progress?

"Let's just get this over with," she grumbled. I felt the room drop twenty degrees without Cariba freezing the water within our bodies. They left the room and I set the files on the seat Cheshire was in. Zaine had taken a seat and rested his head in his hands. His composure made him seem as if he was tired and fighting sleep.

"You can take a nap if you want," I told him, generously. He laughed pathetically.

"I would if I could," was all he said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him. I was giving him a chance to sleep and he wasn't taking it. He looked over to me as if the fatigue left his body.

"You have my file right there," he reminded. "Everything you know about me is right there, so just read it so you stop questioning me."

"I'm not going to read your file to find out about you," I told him. "You said my story would be known when Jane figured me out, well you know what? That means a stupid file can't tell you my life. Only I can, so the same goes to you. I'll know your story when I figure you out."

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