86)The princess and the King

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By: DeereReaderGirl

Bellamy decided that the sky had never looked more beautiful, but then he found everything to be more vibrant when Clarke was around. It didn't matter if the two of them were out looking for medicinal plants-like they were today-so that Clarke could keep doctoring people, or if Bellamy was backing her up in a potential fight; there was just something about Clarke that made everything mean more to him. He looked over at the beautiful girl walking next to him. When he shot Chancellor Jaha and got on the escape pod to protect Octavia, he never thought he'd end up feeling like this. Since meeting Clarke and, more often than not arguing with her, Bellamy felt like he had met his match. He felt like he'd finally met someone who could understand why he did what he did, even if it never made sense to anyone else. Great, Bellamy thought, I'm turning into a gushy wuss. Clarke must have noticed him staring at her, because she turned to look at him quizzically.

"Why are you staring at me?" Clarke asked.

"Uh," Bellamy started. "Well, you, ah, had um, some leaves in your hair."

He knew he was losing his cool, and of course there weren't leaves in her hair, but he reached over and pretended to brush them away anyway. When he brushed the non-existent leaves away, Bellamy's fingers got slightly tangled in Clarke's long, blonde hair. It dawned on him that he wasn't sure how Clarke's hair could be so soft when they had no shampoo and were only able to rinse with water. Bellamy realized belatedly that he'd started running his fingers through Clarke's hair, and to his horror she was looking at him like he'd lost his mind. He didn't do stuff like this. He didn't run his fingers through girls' hair. He didn't think about matches, other halves, and how someone else could make everything around them look more beautiful. He was a love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy. How had he gone from being with a different girl every night to mooning over one girl? This was insanity, absolute-

"Bellamy? Are you listening to me?"

Clarke's voice jolted Bellamy out of his reverie, and he had absolutely no idea what she'd been talking to him about. He desperately thought back and tried to remember anything Clarke had just said to him, but he came up blank.

"I wasn't paying attention," Bellamy admitted.

"Surprise, surprise," Clarke muttered. "I wassaying that if we want to make it to the lake soon and be back before dark, we need to hurry up."

Of course Clarke would be reminding him of a deadline. She needed order in her life to operate, or at the bare minimum she needed something to work towards. Bellamy suspected Clarke hadn't always been this way; but not having known her before coming to the ground, he had no idea if his assumptions were correct. He picked up his pace, and she almost had to jog to keep up with him. For the rest of the trek, neither, and he stared stoically ahead to avoid getting tripped up by Clarke again.

Finally, they reached the lake and Clarke started her search for her medicinal plants. While she was searching, Bellamy checked the snares and traps he had set up in the woods around the lake. He knew that since the lake was a source of water, creatures would have to come there to hydrate, but he also knew that if he had traps set by the lake that he'd be the who would get to go with Clarke when she searched for her plants, and he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to spend time with her. Bellamy found a rabbit and a couple of squirrels in his snares, and was pleased even though the sparse amount of meat on them wouldn't feed all of The 100. When Bellamy broke through the tree line, he was surprised that he didn't see Clarke anywhere.


When he didn't receive an answer, he set down his catch and walked to the edge of the lake, peering into the water, checking to see if Clarke had maybe decided to take a swim. If that were the case, where was her satchel and her outer clothes? Surely she wouldn't go swimming in her clothes. When Bellamy started to feel panic seizing control of his body, making him feel tense and antsy all at once, he heard the sound of someone running up behind him. Before he could prepare to defend himself, he was pushed into the lake. When he hit the water, he immediately tried to resurface and discover just who his attacker was. Maybe the same person who had shoved him in the lake knew what happened to Clarke. Bellamy burst to the surface, ready for a fight-to his complete and utter shock, instead of being met with weapons he was met with uproarious laughter. Clarke was clutching her waist, laughing so hard that she was red in the face.

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