Chapter 10- Story Time

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DOESN'T THAT GIF LOOK LIKE CAMILA!? (Let's all just pretend the other person is Lauren though :p)

A/N: So this is very dialogue sentric and a tiny bit shorter but I think you'll still like it! As always tell me if you find any mistakes and leave a comment letting me know your thoughts! Enjoy :)


Having everyone know about her secret left Camila a lot happier and more carefree than before. She was glad everyone knew about Lauren and her, but she was still very apprehensive about playing as her little self around the other three girls, even Dinah, because she's still new to this life. Camila was still in Lauren's arms after jumping on her and took advantage of the situation to cuddle into her deeply with everyone still watching. She smiled to herself when she heard Normanis comment about how fun this was going to be for everyone, she's glad that all of her friends were supportive of them.

"Lolo?" She asked, climbing off of the older girl.

"What's up baby girl?"

"I can wear Camzi clothes on bus?" She asked innocently.

Lauren looked at her friends. The look on their faces showed obvious confusion when hearing Camilas question. Lauren chuckled to herself.

"You guys wanna see her stuff? Well, besides Dinah because she already knows." Lauren asked, directing the question to Ally and Normani specifically.

The two girls nodded their heads.

"Is it in her not-so-secret suitcase?" Ally asked Lauren.

Lauren looked at her confused, she didn't know that Ally knew about Camila's hidden stuff. Ally's eyes widened when she sensed her confusion.

"Oh! Yeah, I guess I didn't say how I really started to suspect things at first did I?" Lauren shook her head at the tiniest member of the group.

"Well I was looking for cleaning supplies for something that I spilled, but I didn't know where we kept that soft of thing, so long story short I looked in the closet and found her case."

"That explains why you were so obsessed with us then." Lauren chuckled, not really upset with Ally.

"You're telling me." Normani deadpanned. "At Least you didn't have to deal with her going on for hours about what she thought you two were up to."

"I was going the throw her out a window Lo, I swear I would have too." Dinah said agree with Normani's statement.

"Ok y'all she gets it." Ally said, embarrassed by her previous actions.

"I do." Lauren chuckled. "Let's just move past her crazy phase" She smirked at Ally, making her groan.

She rolled her eyes and made her way over to the closet where Camila kept her little things stashed away. She moved a few things out of the way and brought the bag down on the ground. Camila partially jumped in the air out of excitement when she saw her bag finally come down. Lauren pulled the bag out into the main room, stopping it when it was in front of Camila. The small girl sat down waiting for Lauren to open the case.

"Someone excited?" Lauren questioned after watching the others girls antics.

Camila nodded her head with a lot of excitement.

"Careful Mila, you don't wanna sprain your neck." Dinah joked.

Camila just stuck her tongue out at her and focused her attention back on the case, which was now opened.

"Lolo pick!" She yelled excitedly.

"You want me to pick your outfit?" Lauren wanted to make sure that's what she was being asked to do.

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