A Dance

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"Hey, Holtzmann!" 

"Huh? What?" The quirky blonde snapped out of her daze upon hearing Gilbert's voice. Her legs, which had been propped up on the lab table in front of her, fell and her feet uncomfortably slammed down on the floor. She let out a small moan, hoping Erin didn't hear her brief moment of vulnerability. Her right hand, which held her chin, landed on the counter and she looked to the five foot, five inch tall brunette who stood by the entrance of her laboratory on the second floor.

Erin pointed to the door directly behind her before she spoke. "Patty, Abby, and I were gonna go get some food. Wanna tag along?" She awkwardly shrugged her shoulders after asking.

Staring at her fellow ghost buster through the yellow goggles she wore, Jillian pondered the thought. She looked up to the ceiling while tapping on her chin as if she were intensely and carefully thinking about her answer. "Uhhhhhhh..." She hummed the entire time she decided. Erin began to feel uncomfortable waiting for the response and she bit her bottom lip, wondering if she should say something else. Her hips began to sway as if she were ready to just turn around and leave when Holtzmann changed the noise she was making to an almost awkward scream while she let out an elongated 'I.'

"Kevin might be coming?" Erin decided to add, hoping it would urge the other female in the room to finally say an actual word with consonants. 

Jillian's eyes flicked right to the brunette and her eyes squinted with a hint of a fake smile plastered on her pursed lips. She sucked in her cheeks, almost making her face like a fish. The half-grin that came across Erin's face when she mentioned the six foot three, well-built imbecile irritated Jillian and she finally decided on an answer, though when she spoke, it seemed a bit too obnoxious and bitter. But Erin didn't notice at all, as it seemed it was just Holtzmann being the strange woman she was. "No, I'm fine. I'll just eat the week old, stale goldfish I kept in my locker." 

"Um?" Gilbert's brows furrowed with confusion and she slowly turned her body at a ninety degree angle like she were about to leave. But she stopped. "You sure? We're probably gonna have some drinks." Her serious expression turned to a smirk as her voice went up an octave. "Maybe a little dancing." She danced a little, demonstrating her strange, but addictive moves. She knew the blonde absolutely loved to dance and she would no doubt accept the invitation.

The intelligent weirdo watched the woman move for a few seconds before her face lit up with joy and excitement. She scrunched her nose and clapped her hands together once with a mild 'Ha!' but unfortunately, was not going to change her mind. "No, no. I shouldn't. I should really stay here and finish drawing up some blue prints for my new toys."

The former professor's mood immediately changed upon the response and she stopped dancing, her body returning to her awkward stance. "Oh. Okay. You're gonna miss out though." She turned to leave, but added, "Especially if Kevin's coming."

"Oh!" Jillian exclaimed from behind the departing scientist. She sent her an incredibly fake laugh as if she were pretending to agree that she would, in fact, miss out. Though deep down, she felt she were doing herself a favor. The moment Erin was out of sight, Holtzmann mumbled to herself with her fake smile, still glued to her mouth. "Ah, well. I highly disagree with you there." Her smile somewhat faded and she began to move some tools around to make it seem like she were keeping herself busy. "I just hope that feebleminded he-man is as dumb as I think he is." She was, of course, referring to the hopes that he wouldn't pick up on any of Erin's 'subtle' hints.

"What was that?" Erin's head suddenly popped up, looking around the door into Jillian's 'office.'

"What?" Holtzmann jumped, dropping a piece of equipment. "Oh, nothing. I didn't, uhhh...I was  just testing my new, umm...Ectoplasmic, uh...Electrolarynx! Helps us talk to the ghosts we can't see." She quickly bent over, picking up the item she had dropped, which was, in fact, NOT an Ectoplasmic Electrolarynx. There was no such thing! But she still pretended to speak into it anyways. "Hello? Any spirits on the other side? Oooooo!" She chuckled at herself at the end and shook her head no.

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