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Abigail Yates, Erin Gilbert, Patricia Tolan, and Jillian Holtzmann ran as fast as they could into the apartment building, their proton packs ready, in hand. When they entered, they headed straight for the elevator. Once they reached it, both Abby and Erin reached for the button, but stopped when they noticed the other one going for it. "Oh, you can-" Erin began.

"No, no. You go." Abby said politely.

"You can-"

"How about someone just pushes the button?" Patty suggested with a sarcastic shrug of the shoulder.

"I'LL do it." Jillian leaned in and pushed it, the petite light bulb inside lit up and when she pulled back she looked to Erin and Abby who tried to pretend like nothing happened. Erin's eyes quickly looked to Holtzmann and she accidentally pictured her in the dream she was having before Abby interrupted. When Gilbert noticed Jillian still looking at her from the button incident, she awkwardly smiled at the blonde and quickly averted her eyes, waiting for the elevator doors to open.

After a few seconds, there was still no sign of the machine cooperating with their hasty situation and Abby rolled her eyes. "Ugh! How is it taking so long? We're the only ones in here!" She whined before feeling Patty grabbing her arm and pulling her to the right. 

"Come on! Let's just take the stairs." Tolan ran toward the staircase, the other three women followed with audible sighs. 

Feeling the sweat on her forehead, Erin blew a slow breath of air out of her mouth and she stopped for a second to catch her breath. "No. Come on." Holtzmann, coming up from behind her, put a hand on her back. "Let's go." Erin looked at her with, what seemed to be, a hint of an admirable grin. "Come on." Jillian patted the brunette's shoulder and continued up the stairs, passing Erin. Gilbert couldn't help but watch her catch up to Patty and Abby in front of them and she barely shrugged before taking in a deep breath and beginning to run again.

When Patty and Abby reached the fourth floor before the other two, they turned the first corner, surprised to see one of the building's tenants laying face down on the floor. They ran around him and continued to run down the hall, unaware that the other two were a few strides behind them. At the top of the stairs, Jillian waited for Erin to reach the top before letting her go ahead of her and running around the corner themselves. Erin ran with so much momentum, she didn't even notice the face down man as she widely turned to run down the hall towards Kevin's apartment. Holtzmann, however with her awkward run, took a sharp turn around the corner. Not seeing the guy on the ground, she tripped over him but got up as fast as possible and continuing to run. She pretended she did not see all three of the other Ghostbusters turn and see her small body spread across the unconscious man's, but she knew they did and she caught up to them as if nothing happened. 

As she approached the group, Gilbert faintly asked, "Are you okay?" 

"Oh yeah." She nodded, ignoring the pain in her right knee. "I'm good." The grip she had on her proton gun tightened and she turned to Patty and Abby. "Let's do this!" She shouted, facing Kevin's, now door-less, apartment. 

The four of them had their guns in hand as they began to slowly walk through the entrance. They stepped over broken glass and looked around the apartment for any sign of Kevin or Sarah. "Do you hear that?" Erin suddenly whispered to the other three. 

"Hm?" Abby's ears perked up.

"What?" Patty looked around as she tried to listen more intently.

It was silent for a moment as they strained to hear anything. Nothing. "I don't hear anything." Jillian shook her head.

"Shh..." Erin put a hand up and looked down to the floor to listen harder. "There! Did you hear it?" 

Holtz and Abby looked to each other, shaking their heads and Patty shrugged her shoulders. "I don't hear nothin.'" 

A New Kind of Science / HoltzbertWhere stories live. Discover now