Cake or Pie?

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"We showed him who's boss!" Kevin stood outside the 'Bank of America' building on 42nd street with his hands on his hips like Superman. The crowd of waiting people outside, clapped for the Ghostbusters upon his statement.

Walking out with the metal container holding the ghost in hand, Abby looked disappointed to see their receptionist near the hearse. "Ah! Kevin, what are you doing here?" 

"I came to help." He smiled and as Yates approached he reached out, attempting to take the ghost trap from her. 

"No. No. No." Abby pulled away, afraid of him dropping it or accidentally pushing the open button and setting the entity free. "This is highly dangerous. Only a professional scientist should hold it." She was beginning to feel bad about her attitude towards him, but she hadn't a choice when he was constantly putting himself, and others, in danger. 

"Then why does Patty get to hold them sometimes?" He pointed to the tallest of the group.

"Hey." She felt a bit offended. "I'm a Ghostbuster. That's why."

"I'm a Ghostbuster, too." He whined. "Please, can I catch a ghost with you next time?"

"Ahhh...." Abby looked up into his sad eyes and she felt frustrated for feeling herself about to give in. "Alright, we'll see. But you'll stay by my side the whole time." She walked to the back of the hearse, putting the vessel inside.

"Absolutely." Kevin grinned while Abby slammed the back of the car shut. "Ay, ay, Captain." He saluted.

"At ease. Put your arm down." She walked back over to him and pulled on his arm. "And you don't have to say that, we're not pirates." She looked at Patty and shook her head. "Gosh!" She said, only quiet enough for Tolan to hear. The taller woman smirked and shook her own head, looking down while she chuckled. Abby clearly was unaware of Kevin's flirting and she thought she should tell her, though it was a bit amusing for Patty to watch, so she decided to wait to tell her. 

"Where are the other two ladies?" Kevin wondered, looking at the glass building.

"Oh." Abby turned around, just now realizing they were missing a couple tag alongs. "Good question, I...I don't know. Patty, did you see them come out?" Yates continued to look around.

"No, I thought they were already out here with you." Patty confessed, looking around as well. "Huh? We should go in and check." 

"You go." Abby pointed toward the skyscraper, before whispering, "I'll wait out here in case Kevin tries touching anything."

Patty looked at Kevin who, oddly enough, was trying to clean his lens-less glasses with his shirt as if there WERE lenses in them. Shaking her head, she turned and headed back inside. The moment she entered, she saw Holtzmann over by one of the service desks. Walking up to her, she spoke, "Hey, Holtz. What's up?"

The blonde nodded toward another service desk and Patty turned to see Erin speaking with one of the tellers. Just by Gilbert's comfortable stance, Pat could see that she clearly knew the person she was speaking to. They secretly listened to part of their conversation. "Yeah, were right." The mystery woman spoke. "All those years ago. I'm really sorry for not believing you and mostly for picking on you."

Erin waved her hand as if it were no big deal. "Oh, it was a different time then. And it was such a long time ago. It-It's fine."

Jillian began to mutter so only Patty could hear her. "From what I've heard so far, I think that was the ring leader of the kids who bullied Abby and Erin in school."

Patty looked to the shorter woman to her right. "Yeah, no. I got that." She replied. 

"Shh. Shh." Holtzmann quieted her to hear some more. While the blonde watched Erin talk, Patty thought she caught a sparkle in her eye and she kept her own eyes on Jillian while they listened. She was so intently watching Holtzy, she didn't even notice Erin walking up to the both of them. "So's, we's read-ty to goes?" Jillian said in a strange voice and Patty blinked, looking to Erin beside her. 

A New Kind of Science / HoltzbertWhere stories live. Discover now