The Deets

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*Got in trouble at store. Apparently, you're not allowed to wear ski masks and pretend to rob them, only no one ever told me this. So I had to wait outside for my parents to finish their shopping. :(

"Kenzie? Cassie?" Luke's voice woke me as he called from outside our door.

"We aren't here,'' I called, wiping sleep out of my eyes.

"Yeah, I can see that. Just come down when you're ready. And have no idea how sorry I am."

This time my lips stayed sealed shut. With a small sigh Luke walked away and I shook Kenzie awake.

"Asdfghjkl?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

We quickly got up and poked our heads out the door. It was all clear.

We walked downstairs but sadly, the kitchen wasn't as clear as the hall. Standing in front of the counter with their arms crossed were none other than my two favorite people.

"Hey, crumpet," Jason said. I swear he has so many different personalities.

"I'm busy, can I ignore you some other time?" I said, heading for the pantry.

"Cassie," Luke started. To be completely honest, I'd kind of liked him in the beginning. But now...

"What's that?" I cupped a hand around my ear, "I couldn't hear you over the size of your ego."

He scowled and began walking towards me, and I quickly whipped out the remaining knife from my bra and held it out in front of me. "Come any closer and I'll shish kebab you."

He and Jason shared an exasperated look before putting their hands up.

"We aren't going to hurt you," Jason said and I rolled my eyes.

"Just in case, I'm going to keep my friend here," I said.

Luke rolled his eyes, "Well, it's pretty pointless."

I frowned, "Ok, that's not nice. I just sharpened it."

"Do you guys even realize how creepy and ridiculous you are? You kidnapped us. Does that not seem bad to you?" Kenzie demanded.

"But we had a good reason," Luke protested.

Kenz crossed her arms, "Well then I'd love to hear it."

He opened his mouth to speak before Jason cut in. "I think we should go to the couch to discuss this."

"No thank-"

"No, I'd like to hear this," Kenzie cut in, shooting me a glare. I sighed and plopped myself down in a velvet love seat, Kenz sitting next to me and the guys sitting in the couch in front of us. I kept my knife in my hand, just in case they tried anything.

"So..." Jason rubbed his hands together. "Where should I start?"

I rolled my eyes, "Well, the end would be perfect."

He gave me a quick smile and continued, "I'm the Alpha of the Northern Pack and Luke here is me beta."

Luke waved, "'Sup."

"Werewolves have little voices inside them, called our wolves, who help us shift and take control in extreme situations. Our wolves also help us link the pack, which is basically we can talk to each other in our minds when we shift. And lastly, our wolves can detect our mates," He finished with a grin.

Kenz and I looked at each other.

She spoke up, "What are mates?"

"Oooooh!" Luke sprang out of his seat and his hand shot into the air. "Can I explain this one?''

"Sure," Jason nodded.

"So," Luke began excitedly. "Mates are like werewolf soul mates. You only have one and all you want to do is love them."

That is kind of disturbing.

"Well I feel bad for whoever gets stuck with you two," I muttered under my breath. The guys looked at me and smiled and I wondered if they heard me.

"Don't werewolves have like, incredibly hot abs?" Kenzie asked and I mentally smacked my forehead.

Luke merely smirked, "Why yes, in fact. We do."

Jason grinned, "Want to see-"

"No thanks!" I cut in and held my hands up. "I see enough of you as it is."

Jason shrugged, "Your loss."

"Do you eat animals?" Kenz asked.

"No," Luke laughed.

"Not that this talk isn't totally interesting and all, but I'm bored of talking to you. I'll be in my room," I said and stood. I heard Jason sigh and get up after me as I mounted the stairs.

We arrived in my room and I sat on the bed as he shut the door.

Jason turned to me, "Ok, what's wrong."

I laughed unhumorously, "What's wrong? What's wrong?! Oh, you know, nothing. I just got held at gunpoint and kidnapped, and then found out that my Kidnapers were half animal. Nothing too out of the ordinary."

He smiled, "I know this is a shock-"

"This is a lot bigger than a shock."

"You should meet Katie, I bet you two would really hit it off."

"Hmm, that's really interesting. Let me just write that down on my list of things I don't care about."

Jason looked taken back at my anger, "Cassie-"

"No," I cut in. "Get out."

"Cass, I just-"

"Get out," My voice hardened and he must've seen a change in my face, because he got up and left, looking as if I'd stabbed him in the chest and twisted the knife.

As I watched his retreating form I pushed away the stabs of guilt and flopped down on the mattress.

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