Kenzie Acts Drunk

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I was about to take a shower, when I noticed this-this mosquito flying around all over the place in the bathroom! I mean, who did he think he is?! I was naked in there, where is his modesty?!? So I thought to myself, NOT ON MY WATCH! And I grabbed the thing closest to me, which happened to be my iPad, and I smashed it. But now there's mosquito on my iPad.

"Good morning honey bun," someone gently sang.

"Asdfghjkl," I mumbled groggily, swatting him away. He chuckled and pulled me closer.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, stroking my hair. I opened an eye at him.

"Can I sleep?" I asked, rolling over so my back was against his chest.

"You just did."

"Not enough," I managed to get out before my eye drooped shut again. I heard him sigh and get up and I thought, finally.

Though, as soon as he'd gone he came back. I vaguely made out his voice saying something when all of a sudden something ice cold and wet hit me.

I screamed and bolted  upright. When I looked down I saw that my clothes were soaked and Jason was holding an empty pitcher with a smug look on his face.

Oh. No. He. Didn't.


He shrugged casually and said, "I tried to get you up."

"Ok, here's an idea; next time maybe you can try taking my pillow or opening the windows or something, not pouring ice cold water on me."

"I'll remember that," He smiled. "Up and at 'em, you're going to meet some people today."

I groaned and buried my wet face in my pillow. "I hate people."

"Doesn't that just suck. I'll be back in a couple minutes, get dressed," He told me and kissed my outraged face before he left.

"I'll warn you now, if I get a cold you are the second person I'm kissing," I called after his retreating form. With an exaggerated sigh, I lifted my head from the pillow and rolled off the bed.

Ten minutes later I was ready to go. My hair was in a classy Dutch braid and I was wearing a new sunflower skirt with a black crop top that just touched the waistband of the skirt.

My stomach growled at me unhappily and I decided to walk down and get some breakfast.

In the kitchen Katie was munching down on a waffle, her new ring glistening on her finger. Jake was on the couch, flipping through channels while Emilie sat on a bar stool, chowing down on a muffin and Luke was shuffling through the fridge with a smug and confident smirk.

"Who kicked your ego up a notch?" I asked, heading for the pantry. Lemon tarts were calling my name.

"You'll see," He said with the same cocky smirk, looking like he owned the world. I narrowed my eyes, unsure of what he was saying and grabbed two pastries.

"Good morning all you wonderful people! Looks like today is going to be a beautiful day!" Kenzie announced as she walked down the stairs. She had this ridiculous grin plastered on her face and I was taken back. What was up with her?

Katie snickered and muttered, "It happened." To Emilie and she smirked.

Kenzie stumbled down the last step and Luke caught her at the last moment. Something weird was going on with both of them.

"What happened?" I whispered to Katie. She smirked and jerked her head towards Kenz.

"See for yourself."

I turned to see her walking over.

"Morning bestie!" She giggled. Giggled. Kenzie doesn't giggle.

"Hey..." I answered cautiously.

"How are you doing today?" She asked giddily.

I frowned, "Are you okay?"

She beamed, "Oh I'm better than ok, I'm the best I've ever been!"

As she turned to grin at Luke, I caught a glimpse of red on her shoulder. What? I leaned closer and- oh. My. God.

A huge swelled up bite mark was smugly smiling back at me on the joint connecting her shoulder to her neck.

"What bit you?!" I cried out, standing up. Kenzie looked at me funny and laughed.

"Not what, silly. Who. The answer is Luke!"

"You got MARKED?!" I shouted.

"Yes! Isn't it great!" She squealed.

"No! It is definitely not great! Just a couple days ago, you were saying how you'd never do that! Now look at your neck!"

She frowned, "How come you aren't excited?"

"I don't know! Because someone bit you!" I yelled, digging my hands in my hair with frustration.

"Cause that's the first part of the mating process! Now other wolves will know I'm taken, and soon to finish the process we'll-"

"OK STOP I'VE HEAR ENOUGH," I slapped my hands over my ears. Why would she voluntarily let a guy bite her neck?!

"Hehehe, you're so crazy," She laughed and I turned to Katie.

"Why is she acting drunk?"

"Because the bite of your mate gives you pure elation but sometimes for humans it's a bit too much and you get a little crazy," She explained.

"Oh, well that makes perfect sense, thanks," I scowled crossly.

"Good morning everyone!" Jason walked in from the front door with several bags. I crossed my arms and demanded,

"Where were you?"

He set his bags down on the table with a clank. "I was getting some food for tonight, why? What'd I miss?"

I gestured to Kenz and said, "Well, Kenzie got marked."

"Oh nice!" He high fived Luke, who still looked like he could burst with pride.

"Men are useless," I groaned and put my head in my hands.

Jason walked over to join me and put an arm around me. "But this man has sexy abs and a melodic voice."

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