Chapter 2

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"Have you called yet to confirm?"

"Well no, not yet."

"I suggest you call them, Anna called you the day she was asked."

"On house, or cell phone?"

"Your cell phone, that way if they want to talk to you again, you'll be easier to reach."

I climb the stairs, slower than the average teen, I could feel the cancer charging through my body. I felt like I was seventy years older, than I actually am.

I dialed the number given to me slowly, it rang a few times before someone answered it, "Hello?"

"Hey, um who is this?"

"Dustin speaking, who are you?" His voice was beautiful.

"Uh, sorry I'm Ella, I guess I should have started with who I am." I stumble over my words, like I did when I had a crush on this kid, Leo in 5th grade.

"Oh Jenna's mentor thing, I'm assuming you want to talk to my mom?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Mom! Ella is on the phone!" He screams to someone. "So you have cancer?"


"That must suck."

"Well I don't think you've ever heard someone say 'I had a jolly time at the hospital, my favorite part was the chemo'."

He chuckles, "Yeah well my mom is waiting, talk to you another time maybe?"

"Yeah, I guess it won't hurt."

"Hello? Ella so soon?"

"Yep, my mentor was there the entire time for me. I want to be there the entire time for Jenna."

"You’re so sweet!"

"Thanks, Mrs. ---

"Grace, I'm Mrs. Grace."

"Okay, I will remember that." I silently thank the universe itself that she didn't have a complicated like Chelzhokai, or something,

"Are you on a cell phone?"


"Can I text you our address, and will you come at 3:00 tomorrow?'

"Yeah, I don't have anything to do tomorrow anyways."

"Bye." The phone was cut off.

Unknown number: Our address is 4132 Maple road, Jenna is excited!

Me: Okk can't wait! Tell her I'm super excited!

I add Mrs. Waters to my contact list.

Mrs. Grace: See you than!

"Mom I'm busy tomorrow!" I shout down the stairs.

"Good!" She seemed very pleased.

The next morning, I felt light and airy.

"Good morning Mom!" I say as I skip down the stairs.

"Did adding a purpose to your life make you happy?"

"Perhaps, perhaps not."

"Are you feeling good enough to eat?"

My stomach was rumbling, "Can I have some waffles?"

"It's a miracle! I'll whip some up right now."

"Great!" I slid into one of the kitchen stools, and watch the art of waffle making. My mom made them from scratch, adding berries, and chocolate chips. It was a special treat.

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