Chapter 14

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Rain pattered against the roof, it was going to be a glum day. 

"Hey," I answered Dustin's call.

"Good morning, how are you?" Dustin asks.

"I'm wonderful, and you?" My heart was still thumping, my mind was haunted by images of my funeral. Most people try to look away from death. The fact is though we will all die, willingly or not.

"Better now that I'm talking to you." My heart pattered. 

"How’s Jenna?"

"She is still in the hospital, she doesn't want any visitors today though. She's embarrassed."

"Tell her I said hi please?" 

"If you'll go see a movie with me tonight." 

"I think I'll do that, on one condition."

"Oh? What's that?"

"We have to get something to eat too."

"You’re not going to puke on me right?" I groan, I was aware he had avoided eating with me since the incident. My cheeks still warmed at the thought.

"No, I'll try not to."

"Then it's a date, I'll pick you up at six." 

"If Jenna wants me to come to the hospital text me!" 

"Bye El," he took my breath away.

"Ella! Come downstairs right now!"

"Dustin and I are going out tonight," why was I smiling so much?

"Okay, but until than you’re doing something to entertain Mia." My Mom orders.

"What if I was sick?" I ask innocently. I felt a little achy now; but nothing serious.

"Than you'd stay in your room and read that book of yours." My Dad says, "But clearly your fine, or else you wouldn't be going out tonight."

"Well I'm going to take a shower." I leave my plate untouched.

I stare into the mirror, over the past few months I'd changed dramatically. My hair fell just above my ears. I had full cheeks, which seemed healthy. The grayish tint my skin had taken for almost whole life had vanished. I looked almost normal.

"Are you getting better?" Mia says.

"Maybe, more importantly were your dreams good last night?"

"Yeah, I had a dream I was dining with princesses."

"Oh that sounds like fun!"

"What did you dream about?" 


"You got to be honest."

"My funeral," I whisper.

"What was it like?"

"Honestly, no one remembered me except for Dustin. It wasn't a good funeral."

"I'll make sure you're funeral is a blast, and we'll do everything we can to remember you. You'll be famous."

"I hope so, I'm counting on you to do just that." I didn't know at the time, Mia would follow through with her promise.

"Please tell me we're not going to the zoo today." 

"Nope, I have a better idea, you'll remember today until the end of time." 

Her eyes light up, Jace probably took her everywhere. She wasn't used to boredom.

"Now get out! I have to get ready!" I shoo her away.

I wore a mint green tee shirt, and bright blue skinny jeans, they would lighten up this dull day without a doubt. I clipped my hair back with a large lace bow. 

After rummaging around for a while I found mascara, blush, and my favorite lip gloss. I had gotten used to wearing makeup. When you were bald, had no eyebrows, and thin eyelashes, you start to do anything to look normal. Makeup made me feel comfortable with my bare self.

"How do you always look so perfect?" Mia gazed up at me. She had switched out her pajamas for a pink princess shirt, and a tutu.

"Have you seen photos of me when I was your age? I was a nightmare!" I had never been considered pretty, I always looked sick. I scared the other kids.

"Nuh uh! You were always a princess!" 

I chuckle, "I've never been a princess."

"You're like Cinderella!"

"Whatever you say Mia." 

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