Chapter 4

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I had recieved a text the very next morning. It said, This is Dustin, I'm coming to get you Jenna is in the hospital.

He arrived, luckily I was on my porch waiting, or I was sure he was going to lose it.

Dustin looks worried, his hands gripped the wheel, like he was driving through a blizzard. I tried to put my worry in the back of my head, but how could I? This girl was only eight. She deserved her life.

"Lets go." Dustin pulled in, and started running for the hospital.

I followed slowly behind, I caught up inside, he was asking about Jenna.

"She can't be seen now, they won't tell me what's wrong." Dustin sits down shaking his head.

"I'll be right back." The nurse at the nursing stations name was Anne. She'd only been working there for a month. I could get the information out of her maybe.

"Hi Anne!" I wave.

"Oh, hello dear, What brings you here today?" She lifts up her glasses.

"My friend Jenna is here. I'm here with her brother, he's really worried about her."

"Dear, I'm really sorry, she is in critical condition." She hesitates, "that's all I can say."

"I'm her mentor! I'm aloud to see her!"

Her eyebrows go up, "Calm down dear. I will see what I can do. Her brother can't see her though!"

"Thank you." I press a plastic flowers leaf. It dances back in forth, literally smiling.

Anne makes a few calls, with great distress she nibbles on on a "cure cancer" pencil. Slowly writing something down, her head bobbed up and down.

"Well Ella?" Dustin pulls me over.

"Hold on. Go sit back down! Everything will be all right." I wish I knew if that was true.

"She can't see anyone at the moment. You can wait though." She smiles sweetly.

"Fine I will." I fold my arms and sit next to Dustin glaring at the nurse.

"She said we have to wait." I try to smile.

"Ugh, I hate this." He growls, and kicks a nearby chair.


"Everything, not knowing, my sister going through pain, the fact that I can't run with her, away from cancer."

"I tried once." I say.


"When I was first diagnosed. I stormed out of the room, the doctor said to let me go I'll be back. I wasn't though. I ran half way across town."

"Did they find you?"

"I ran past my Aunts house, and they caught me. I was wet and crying."

"Than what happened?"

"I insisted on getting more scans." I shrugged.

"The results?

"Oh my cancer had spread." I smiled grimly.

"That's not fair!"

I shrug, "We try so hard to be something, and in the end our very own bodies revolt." I mutter.

"It's probably worse for you."

"No, I feel worse now. I can't stand not knowing how Jenna is. At least when your ill all you do is sleep." I try to explain.

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