Chapter 20

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Mason shuffles into the cafeteria his head bent. "Remember when I told you to wait outside? I could lose it entirely!" He sniffles.

"Get a life!" Dustin rolls his eyes, and gets up.

"I would but I'm busy chauffeuring you two children around!" He makes a tsk sound with his mouth, and walks ahead of us.

"What’s his problem?" I ask quietly.

"He cries whenever he sees someone who is sick. After he met you he had his parents donate $500,000 to cancer research. Last time he went to the hospital he gave away $100.000. His parents are millionaires." He whispers.

"I'm not a charity case. He shouldn't have felt sorry for me." I huff, "Anyone can die, and you may get hit by a car walking out and get put in a coma. I just have a more likely chance." 

"Ugh, do I have to donate to Dustin too?" He groans loudly, "My parents made $200.000 my limit a year." He shakes his hands violently at the sky, "Why me?! Why did I, a dashing man have to spend so much on myself!"

"Man, cool it. I don't need a crowd." 

"I want a new hat." Jenna says suddenly. She was wearing a teal fedora, which had small pink flowers pinned to it.

"Ask mom," Dustin sighs.

I observe him more closely, he seemed...Older. His bright eyes were slowly dulling, his shoulders sagged with an invisible weight, and his smile was no longer present. He didn't deserve me. He shouldn't have to carry my weight. I wish he'd let it go.

"We're going to McDonald's. I am craving some salty fries." Mason says.

My stomach clenches at the thought, I didn't want to be near smelly fast food.

"Can you drop us off at my house first?" I ask. I would puke up whatever my stomach held if I was near any type of fast food.

"Sure, fine what about you Dustin?" He asks, "Are you hungry?"

"Nah, I ate at the hospital. We can hang later." They do that weird fist bump thing and continue on.

"Here we are, you are so very welcome." Mason says bowing.

"Thanks so much, see you another time." I smile, feeling silly. I didn't know this guy, I hung out with him once, and now he was driving me around.

"Yeah, your boyfriend owes me. Maybe he can drive me at my wedding." He says thoughtfully.

"I'm sure he'll consider it." I smile widely.

"Just hope the person I'm getting married to isn't ugly."

"Guys are so vain," I mutter under my breath.

"What?" Mason asks.

"Oh, nothing! Bye!" I stomp across my grass, watching Mason pull away. 

He would have to take the long route because a large tree fell into the road. Other than that there wasn't any damage. I couldn't deny how disappointed I was. 

The disappointment wasn't like me wanting it to be a bad situation. I just wanted life to be more interesting. I wanted a change in life. A danger, or just a fresh scene. 

It was selfish. I was always fulfilling a new adventure with my boyfriend every single day. He always kept me on my toes. There never was a dull moment, even when he tickled me during a movie.

"Ella! I'm so glad you’re okay! I was worried about you!" My mom rushes outside embracing me in a hug. 

"Love you too Mom." In that moment I knew all was forgiven. She loved me, and was scared to lose her daughter.

"I was at the hospital, but you were out so I came home for a quick shower. You are so lucky that you’re dating someone as wonderful as Dustin!"

"Yeah is it okay if we watch a movie? Jenna is here too."

"Yeah, go in the living room, and pick any movie you want."

"We watched Finding Nemo, and then we watched The Breakfast Club." Jenna fell asleep halfway into Finding Nemo, and we didn't want to disturb her. 

"I love this movie, it's like how I got you. I didn't think you'd ever like me."

"Please you’re the only one who ever liked me." I shrug off his compliment.

"Yeah but you are so cool. You aren't like the other girls."

"No I am dying." I ignore his compliments, determined not to let them get to my heart.

"Aren't we all? Besides I told you before, I won't let you die." 

"It's not your option."

"Just say I love you!" 

"I love you Dustin, and I will never love anyone as much." I say solemnly. 

My heart was stolen, and could never be returned. He had lifted me off my tired aching feet. Then he brought me to a beautiful kingdom. I call it happiness.

"I love you too." He smiles.

"And they lived happily ever after." Jenna says, clearly awake.

"Want to go back home Jenna?" Dustin asks. It was now late afternoon, although the sun was high in the sky.

"Yeah, let’s go home. I think Mom is going to be home soon. She said I have to plan my birthday theme." She says jumping up and down.

"Want me to drive you home?" I ask. 

"Well I don't want to walk, it's awfully hot."

"Let me get my keys," I unravel myself from him, instantly missing his presence.

"Mom, I'm going to drive them home, I'll be right back afterwards. I promise."

"Okay dear, be careful."

Why do people say be careful? It's not like I planned on running into a car on purpose. It was purely based on luck.

"I’ll be careful." I say.

"Let’s go!" I smile.

"Want to walk to the car Jenna?" Dustin asks.

"Yeah, I need to keep my strength up." She flexes her arms.

The car ride was long and quiet. Jenna sat in the back fighting to keep her eyes open. 

Mrs. Grace gets up from and runs to the car, helping Jenna out of my car.

"Thanks so much, I don't know what we would do without you. Jenna enjoys you being her mentor so much. Dustin enjoys it too." She says slyly.

"Mom! Don't embarrass me!" Jenna says nudging her Mom. I notice Dustin’s cheeks blushing as well.

"Bye El, I'll talk to you tonight."

"Love you." I say.

"Forever and always." Was his reply. 

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