Chapter 5

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pain [peɪn]

n 1. the sensation of acute physical hurt or discomfort caused by injury, illness, etc. 2. emotional suffering or mental distress on pain of subject to the penalty of 4. Also called pain in the neck (taboo), arse Informal a person or thing that is a nuisance vb (tr) 1. to cause (a person) distress, hurt, grief, anxiety, etc. 2. Informal to annoy; irritate

That is what they said pain was. It wasn't near what I felt earlier today. This morning I was at Jenna and Dustin's, I was there almost everyday now. I found a want to live in Dustin, and Jenna felt the need to live in me.

Sense I was seven all I've wanted is to die. It wasn't cause I was depressed or anything it was the pain. It couldn't be defined by a dictionary. It was cancer. I feel the pain now, I can see the pain. It rips through me like a wild animal. It is ugly, it is cruel, it is cancer.

"Are you okay?" Jenna had nudged me during a movie, I could barely feel her.

Dustin pressed me forehead, and suddenly jumped up, I felt that. Something was pressed into my mouth. He than grabbed a blanket, and picked me up. I blacked out after that, the pain was gone

When I woke up I felt the pain again. I could hear someone whispering. "She is no state to have any treatments."

"You can't let her die though." Death is a funny thing really, none of want it; but none of have the option to avoid it.

"Your Jenna's brother right?" I recognized the voices now.

"I am." He said it slowly and cautiously. "So why are you worrying about Ella?"

"Cause, I can't help it. She and Jenna keep me up at night with worry."

"Listen, I'll see what I can do, but I'm pretty sure all we can hope for is a miracle." Miracles are a funny thing too. We have no proof they really exist, but we put everything into them.

"Thank you." He smiles and sits next to me.

"Where is everyone else?" My voice rasps.

"Well hello there, I thought you'd never wake up."

"Where are they?" I repeat.

"Your Mom is at work, your Dad is working from home, Jenna is at home." I sigh heavily.

"Not to be rude, but don't you have better things to do than sit next to a sleeping girl?

"I didn't just sit, I sent you snapchats too!"

"Am I your only friend?" I say mockingly.

"Your just my favorite friend." My stomach flutters embarrassingly.

"So I have an hour to kill, what can you do in a hospital room that's fun?"

"Hand me a glove!" There was a box of unsuspecting gloves sitting on a table in a corner.

"If you say so."

I fill it with water sitting by my bed, and throw it at him.

The water bursted across his shirt. "I'm gonna get you back the minute you get out of the hospital you just wait."

I laugh loudly, unfortunately catching the attention of a near by nurse. "Put on this mask! We can't have you getting sick again." She hands me a turquoise colored mask.

"Yes Rose," I smile sweetly.

"Jenna hates it when she has to wear these things."

"The air tastes bad, and it makes eating a problem. I make them more fun though." I draw smiley face on the front of the mask.

"You look adorable."

"Thanks, hey you know I think you need one too," he opens his mouth to protest. "Rose! We need another mask!" I scream.

"For your boyfriend?" She inquires. My cheeks redden.

"He's not my boyfriend."

If Ella had looked back at Dustin at that exact moment she would have seen him mouth yet. Instead all she saw was the nurses happy smile, not noticing the wink shared with her and Dustin.

"Thank you Rose." She nods, and walks away. Her red hair falling out of her tight pony tail.

"Do I look better now?" He put on his mask.

"It works on you." I nod slowly.

"I don't like it much on you." He notions.

"Hey!" I throw a pillow at him.

I had just experienced the shortest hour in a hospital I've ever spent. I was so sad to see it go.

He waved his mask still on his face, and slowly walked out of the room. It was almost like he was memorizing how I looked in that exact moment.

I was still wearing the sweats I had went to their house in, what little hair I had was messy, my teeth felt dirty, and my pain was horrible.

It was oddly perfect. I showed everyone of my flaws, but none of them were seen. Other guys would act like was a china doll. If I walked a certain way I would break. I got none of that when I was with Dustin, or anyone really.


Sorry it's sorta short. Sorry if there are any grammer mistakes. I didn't look this chapter over. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye!

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