Chapter 6

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After several, well three weeks I finally get to leave the hospital. Clothes, and presents still lay across the floor in my room, despite the nurse’s strict rules about cleanness.

"Finally you’re leaving!" Jenna bounced up and down with the excitement. She sat loyally at my side this whole dreadful experience. When she wasn't out doing her own thing that is. She was trying to make a point to enjoy her hair, on Monday she would have chemo for the first time.

"I'm excited too!" I grab a pile of clothes and shove them in a bag.

"Ella! Your phone is ringing!"

I sigh, "Hello?"

"Hey dear, Dustin called the house and said for you to come over."

"I'll text him." My heart pounded.

"Bye sweetie!"

"Love you, see you later."

After the complications of getting checked out, and cleaning up my stuff; I finally breathe fresh air.

My phone rang twice on the way to their house, "Hello?" Jenna said.

"Who is it?" I mutter.

"It's Dustin again. He demanded to know where we are."

"Tell him we are only a block away from your house."

"Whatever you say, she said to tell you we're a block away." She informs Dustin. She looked adorable holding my phone, she held it like it was some alien object.

The porch swing was empty. That's odd. Where could he be? He always waited on the swing.

"Want to see my flower garden?" Jenna asks. "I planted all the flowers myself!"

We walked into the backyard, you could hear bees buzzing, and birds singing. Their back yard always left me in a trance.

"See these flowers? I planted them." Bright red, yellow, and pick flowers covered a small stretch of ground.

"Wow how pretty."

"Now I'll show you the flowers Mommy planted."

A small blue object comes flying at my face as soon as I turn around, water splashes on to me, soaking my clothes.

"You totally fell for that!" Dustin rolls out from behind a bush with small flowers.

"Now I'm wet!" I laugh so hard I fall down.

"Got you!"

"Jenna were you in on this?" I narrow my eyes, in a failed attempt to keep a straight face.

"Let's go inside, and get you a towel." Dustin smiles, his faded red shirt was soaked, but he didn't seem to mind."

We made the mistake of going back around the front, Lana was sitting on the porch swing, and she was playing with a stuffed turtle.

"Lana go home." Dustin says forcefully.

"I've been waiting for you though!" She stands up her arms stretched.

"If you didn't notice I'm busy."

"Yeah your cousin is over, I'm sure she won't mind us though." He tries to hug Dustin, but is pushed away.

"Bye Lana."

We went to Dustin's room, where I sat in a puddle of water. We drew with Jenna, who enjoyed it. I could tell Dustin was going crazy.

"Jenna, where's my phone?" Dustin was digging through his pockets.

"I don’t know."

He had set it on the bathroom counter when getting me a towel, I recalled. "I'll get it." I run to the elevator before he could stop me.

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