The Burden

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I tiptoe to the kitchen in search of everything I can use as a weapon. All the drawers and cabinets are empty. I wince at a startling and agonizing sound echoing in my brain.

     When I was a child, I dreamed of the day my prince would come rescue me. Each night my mom would read Cinderella: her melodic voice tranquilizing me into a quick slumber.

"Fairy tales protect you from evil," she always whispered in my ear, before pecking me on the cheek and leaving me exposed.

     Seconds after the door clicked shut the darkness would grow towards me. Creeping up to the edge of my bed and halting, daring me to utter a sound, mocking me. Goosebumps littered my body one by one. Then, Darkness would shoot away, retreating back to the space my walls met. Again, it would move towards the front of my mattress. Over and over, every few moments, each night.

     As I became older, I rose more fearful of the Darkness. I understood it was more than my imagination, but something only looking to hurt me. When I was younger, I was afraid to inform my parents of the creature hiding in my room. Today, silence is the only option. The chances of being thrown into an Asylum for someone presuming I'm delirious, is greater for someone my age. No one would have trusted me then and no one would now. My fear is said to be a result of a nightmare. What fifteen year old has nightmares like this?

     Nightmares happen when someone's asleep. I see him when I'm awake...

     Each night the dark creeps closer and closer. For the first time his voice orders me, "Follow us, Dana."

"Don't keep us waiting for too long, otherwise we must pursue you by force, EVERYONE that gets in our way will be no more."

     The breathy whispers spoke from deep inside the darkness. The warmth of the voices scratch against my ears.


Beckoning me.

     One day I will break free from the darkness. I'm determined to escape his grasp. I'm tired of being terrified out of my wits.

     While doing research I concluded the only darkness that exists lives in my room.

Nothing can help me.


I'll make it through the end. I'll beat Darkness.

I hope...

     After years of torturing me you would expect the darkness to grow bored. It would eventually give up. But, he just keeps on fluttering up to my bed posts.

     My parents found a stash of all my notes and plans of attack, hidden in-between school books. They couldn't understand how I was involved in such, "devil-like tendencies." After hours of pleading, they agreed not to send me away. On one condition, if I burned everything having to do with the darkness, and I had to promise to, "stay clean from then on." Little did they realize, I had made extra copies...

            Author's Note••

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