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I win! It's been so many years since Dana's spoken a word. You're welcome, I've finally overtaken her soul, only took a little while, but it was worth it...

     Dana is gone. As far as her parents are concerned they're daughter is alive.

     I slither to the living room, where Dana's dad is glued to the glow of the television. I slowly walk up behind the couch, gripping the cold metal in my hand. The room starts to feel like an ice box. Even the walls are bubbling with anticipation.

"Honey? Come sit with me," says the man patting the cushion beside him.

     My arm goes up and squash. The red liquid drips onto my fingers. And blood pours from his open mouth. I stare at the gray tool. It's amazing what can happen when you just poke a person with a knife.


     Okay, maybe I should work on my laugh. I swivel to the front of the deceased man. His eyes seem as if they will jump from his sockets as my forehead leans against his. His perspiration and blood transferring to my forehead.

"How does it feel to be killed by your own daughter? You just couldn't save her, could you?" I growl laughing at the joke of a man before me.

     A glimmer of silver catches my eye: the knife is still sticking out of his head. I know I don't leave behind fingerprints, so there's no use taking it.

Have fun solving this case.

     I glide out the front door leaving it swinging on its rusty hinges. And ascend down the driveway and into the unlit street.

     I wonder if my next victim will be such a effortless kill...

The End

Darkness here, watch your back! In fact, I'm right behind you...

••Author's Note••
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