A Witness?

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A Witness?

     Today is the day. I have someone on my team. My friend Beth is staying over tonight. She's the only one I can trust with the knowledge of Darkness.

     After, I spent hours revealing the events of the past few years, she has chosen to help me. We're on a mission to get rid of Darkness. She suggested sleeping over to determine what she's up against. It amazes me she cares and trusts me enough to stay over. I know she's putting her life on the line.

     As my room slowly grew darker we sat wrapped in my comforter clutching disposable cameras.

     When the room became pitch black Darkness grew towards us whispering, "Dana, kill, kill, kill or your friend dies."

     Darkness crawled to the foot of my bed, as usual, and paused. Beth intertwined her clammy hand with mine. It's been so long I've learned the whole routine and I'm no longer shocked.

"You're such a liar, I can see that's fake. You could've made it more convincing," she proclaims glaring at me tossing a teddy bear toward the wood floor, and standing up.

     Darkness lingered at the foot of my bed as she briskly walked past him to the door. She snatched her backpack next to the door, and turned to shoot daggers at me, before causing the door to rattle behind her. Moments later, I overhear the front door slam.

     I feel an ache in my chest she's never coming back. There goes the one person who believed me, walking away.

••Author's Note••
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