I Never Left

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I Never Left

I'm now fully in human form. As I grow stronger and stronger, I can't help but watch Dana get weaker.

     It's been three weeks. Three whole weeks my house has been Darkness free. For the first time, I'm comfortable standing in my room. The newfound wave of energy pushes me to lace up my sneakers.

I yell, "Going for a run," before shutting the door behind me.

     The doctors recommended I stay active. They are hoping it will take my mind off of everything going on. How do you forget someone like Darkness?

Before running across the street I turn in both directions.

     A car appears out of nowhere driving onto the sidewalk. It rams into me, before running my leg over. My white Capri Yoga Pants are sporting a growing red spot. I hobble home within minutes. The warmth runs down my thigh and meets my knee before pooling at my ankle. With each step a blood bubble forms and pops. I throw my body onto the kitchen table and roll up my pant leg. There's scratches and slices littered my legs.

Things start to get worse when my mom sees me.

"Honey? What happened?"

"Oh, nothing..." I say hoping she'll take the hint and walk away.

"Look at your leg. Don't tell me nothing happened," she raises her voice while slamming the first aid kit on the table.

"Okay, you got me. I was running and came to the end of Shire Street, by the Post Office. A car appeared out of thin air and swerved onto the sidewalk. It wasn't that bad, it just knocked me over."

     My mom begins cleaning my leg and enveloping it in gauze.

"You've have got to be more careful. Pay attention. Running was supposed to keep your mind off of things, not take away your focus. No more running for a few days. It has to heal," she replies without meeting my eyes.

"I know. I'm not in any mood for running right now. Thanks mom," I said before limping to my room. As my foot was dragged behind me it made a scratching noise.

     My hand feels the wall for the light switch. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon my room was pitch black. Before the light could switch on my door slammed shut. My hand reaches for the handle to discover it's locked. I hope Darkness isn't behind all of this.

••Author's Note••
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