Getting Out

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Getting Out

"Honey, is everything all right?" gasps my dad.

"Beth. Beth. Beth,"

"Beth? What happened? I thought she was still staying over?"

"She's. She's. Dead!" I erupt.

     My dad sits me down at the dining room table. My parents eyebrows are raised and look at me. We rush to the hospital after I reveal the hour before. My face almost kisses the glass as I run toward the automatic doors. Shivers run across my body as cool air pokes through my coat. I quickly jog over to the front desk and say 'I'm looking for Bethany Taylor.' The secretary points straight without looking up. Her doctor and I collide on the way to her room. Beth's parents are on a business trip, so they called the next number on the list.

     Beth suffered from a fractured collar, split ribs, and forty-seven stab wounds. But the doctor's still ruled it as a suicide. I know it was the work of Darkness. Surprisingly, I convinced my parents. Before going home and back to bed my parents said they'd find a solution in the morning.

     The next morning a lady showed up to help us. We learned Darkness was a demon, and he was very attached to me. The lady said, 'the only way to eliminate his infatuation with you is if you do as he's asking.' I don't say a word. I knew my parents would be appalled, if I told them what they were pressuring me to do. Darkness wants me to kill someone...

     My heart beat almost jumps out of my chest at the thought of killing someone. A tingle slices up and down my spine at Darkness himself.

••Author's Note••
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