Are You Okay?

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Are You Okay?

     Something or someone nudges me. My body rolls to face the other direction. Then I remember... Darkness. My eyes shoot open but close after a bright light pierces my eyes.

"Dana?" says a voice.

     I raise an eyebrow and look around puzzled, then my eyes land on a redhead.

"Who... Who are you?" I question unable to peel my eyes from her wide smile.

"Dana, I'm your nurse: Pamela," she says her smile never breaking.

"Do you feel okay? You were pretty ruffed up when you came in."

"What? What happened?" I whisper.

     Goosebumps threatened to scatter along my body. I didn't want to know the answer.

"Your parents found you. You were pretty banged up," she says without answering my question.

"What... What happened?" My voice wavers.

"Well, you have memory loss." She says before continuing, "In situations, such as yours, your brain suppresses memories."

     Her eyes leave my face but the smile remains. It's too unnatural to smile so wide and often.

"Am I okay?" I ask then sigh loudly.

The smiling was getting on my nerves.

"Yes, you only have a few minor injuries: a twisted ankle, a dislocated shoulder, and a broken nose. That's all, no biggy," she says in between smiling.

"No biggy?! I'm nearly broken!"

"Go away! Bring me my nurse!" I demand.

"Miss. Dana, I am your nurse." she says nicely before her mouth fashions a frown.

     I jump with glee because the smiling has stopped. Then the sides of her face squish together and she sports her signature grin. I couldn't take this sketchy lady anymore and push myself off the bed. Without making eye contact I leave the room.

Pamela attempts to make me turn back but doesn't come after me.

      My room's at the end of a long hall. Then I'm brought to an intersection of three different directions. After choosing a direction, I find myself lost. I'd rather be lost than be stuck with that lady.

     On a section of the pink wall is a sign with an arrow, pointing to the waiting room. The sign leads me to an empty room. My parents are sitting alone.

"Dana? What are you doing here?" asked my wide eyed parents.

"My nurse was being a bitch and she was creeping me out. So I left," I replied.

"We can get you another nurse, but you shouldn't have left your room," my mother says while her face starts to get red and her eyes squint.

"She was pissing me off!"

"Honey, calm down, everything's all right," said my dad luring me in between him and my mother.

"That's what you think."

"Everything seemed alright until I swoop in. Are you dumb enough to think everything's all right this time?" said Darkness, heard by not a soul.

••Author's Note••
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