Call Me A Murderer

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Call Me A Murderer

Two weeks after seeing the destroyer of Darkness.

     I'm trekking next to the Nowhere Trail train tracks when something drags be backward. My shoulder tightens under the firm hold of a red hand. A breath of air tries to leave my lips but it quickly crawls down my throat. The smell of mint chewing gum flies up my nostrils.

     Moments later, the hand releases and my friend Michael steps out from behind me. I breathe a sigh of relief. He jabs me to the side, and I jab back. After, five minutes of shoving each other back and forth, he nudges me so hard I slump to the ground on my side.

     After picking myself up, I push him twice as hard. He fell onto the tracks in slow motion and I froze. Before he could get up a train flew past. It becomes hard to breathe as the train whips past me. Strands of red fly around my face and cold tears wait to fall.

     It was hard to comprehend that I'd just killed my best friend. I never should've pushed him.  I wonder if Darkness played a role.

     After the train had gone by I didn't want to look. I stood there for a moment in disbelief. Before I turned away Michael rose off the rails as if nothing happened.

'You're alive' I meant to say but cut it off asking how he even survived.

     There were no signs of injury anywhere. The train went right over him, yet missed him.

"Simple, I stayed in the middle of the rails. The wheels drove right next to me. The train rolled right over me," he explains as if it was obvious.

     We walked back to my house to celebrate from him slipping past the prying hands of death. I can't believe I almost killed my best friend... What else is in store for me?

••Author's Note••
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