No Escape

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No Escape

I make it out of the house before Darkness sees.

My knees shake and my legs turn into spaghetti before giving out. A force pulls my left foot back sending me flying backward. I clutch the gravel on my front walk as Darkness tries to pull me. My fingernails begin to burn but I hold on tight. I'm not strong enough to maintain my grasp any longer. I'm forced to let go as a few fingernails break off and a tug sends me catapulting back.

While being pulled my body bobs up and down. Creating a scraping sound as my flesh drags against the gravel. Instead of being pulled back through the front door I'm flung into a window. When my head collides with the glass, the glass rains down on me. In slow motion microscopic shards fly around me. My skin gets pricked as each shard sinks into my skin. Bubbles of blood form on every inch of my body. Then my vision blurs and I drift into a deep sleep. Before my eyelids close everything grows dark and a shadow appears over me.

••Author's Note••
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