A Death in the "Family"

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     I've been crying for an hour and it's for a good reason.

     Someone pretty close to my family and myself died an hour ago.

     He wasn't family, but he was "family."

     I'll explain how.

     For those of you who don't know, my mom works for our county's sheriff's department. She's a dispatcher. Today, one of the people who deals with the technology there had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. Throughout the day, he kept having heart attacks. His sister came in to say her final goodbyes at about 1:00 PM, Central time.

     After she said her final goodbyes, I think he was sent to a larger hospital. The doctors had stated that, if he had another heart attack, they wouldn't revive him and would let him die. He, obviously, had another heart attack and was not revived. He was gone in that very moment.

     It may not seem like much, but to people in the sheriff's department's family, it's a lot. They deal with death every day, but for someone in the family, it's worse than usual. Sure, death is horrible, but some random stranger's death isn't as bad as a "family" member's death. It's much more personal. It feels like one of your actual family members had died.

     I just wanted to say that and that I probably won't be online for the rest of the day. Until I go back online, I'll be sobbing my eyes out.

     Thanks for reading this, if you even did read it.

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