skool today

21 0 2

Okay so hiiii
School was chill
P nice because it's a Friday.
But holy damn was it insane.

Let's start from the beginning. During lunch, my health teacher was walking around, talking to people, sitting at lunch tables, said he'd file a report about the food we get served, and...
He was dabbing.
Wtaf man
After that, I went to ELT. Normal stuffs happened, yadda yadda yadda.
Now, let's talk about what happened during health.

So, my health teacher was looking for charts about whatever (I dont remember what they were I wrote them down somewhere but idk where) and thought he lost them. After a few minutes, he found the charts, shouted "All right!" and dabbed.
Later on, I answered a question with "bananas." How did my teacher respond? "THIS CRAP IS BANANAS, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!"
One of my friends screamed "OOOH! HE'S SAVAGE!"

Wtaf man

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