21 1 15

Tomorrow I'm going to my aunt and uncle's house!!!
They're super rich and live on the water since they have a boat and their house is so cool so I will take pictures and post them. Like legit no joke my aunt is a multimillionaire. Her daughter is a millionaire. I'll explain why.
So, you may have heard of a company (I dont want to say it for my personal reasons but *Dolphin noises* IT IMMA SAY IT) run by a man named Bill Steinberg.
He, by marriage (even though my aunt and uncle aren't married they're practically married) was related to me.
He also was a billionaire from his company. Honestly I don't remember what it's called 😂😂😂
He died last year.
And I had to leave school on the first day to go to his funeral.
My cousin was his only grandchild btw
So my aunt and her siblings got MILLIONS of dollars.
My cousin also got millions, since she was his only grandchild.
So they're rich and have a very nice house.
Please don't stalk my family 😂😂😂
So yes, I'm going to their house tomorrow.
And I'll be there until Friday morning, since there's some concerts that I may be going to.
No matter what, I'll try to update.

On Saturday, my sister is having her bridal shower! She's getting married on October 15 so yay
I won't be online on Saturday and maybe not Sunday since we're doing an all-nighter thingy
So yeah

Then on September 1, I have to go back to school
Oh lord
Kill me
I'm so nervous
I hate school so much, as many people do.
THANKFULLY my school faculty found out about my tumor in my left leg (there has to be a chapter in either this or Cloud Of A Person about my tumor lol go find it to learn more and see pictures) so I don't have to do gym for the first semester! If I have to have surgery to take it out, I probably can't do gym at all so yay
That will SUCK if I have to have surgery though.
Idk how to feel XD

So yeah
That'll be my life for a while.
That's all for now.

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