"yeah, let's party, huh?"

8 0 5

So uh I went to a party
First birthday party my friend's ever had
I gave her a card for a four year old and she loved it
Anyways it was at a skating rink so I didn't skate because I can't
Some old guy accidentally maybe I hope touched my butt while I was staring, most likely with heart eyes, at my beautiful and majestic boyfriend skating flawlessly and thinking about how great he is and how much better he is at skating than I am and I'm still freaking out about it yay
I stole boyfriend's hoodie (his signature thing) really early into the party and held it between my thighs one too many times
One of our friends saw me kiss his cheek and then was like "awww I thought you'd kiss him on the lips" so naturally I leaned down (he was sitting down) and kissed him vero passionately
And I wore his hoodie for the last half hour of the night
I had his phone and put him skating on his Snapchat story and he got angry and, even though he said it was fine a million times, I still feel really really really bad
His dad dropped me off and he got out and hugged me really tightly so I think he meant it when he said it was okay
None of my makeup came off at all but now I'm biting away all of my lipstick so rip
I'm home alone and I'm scared

Ps: get a boyfriend with longer hair because it flies in the wind when he skates and he looks super majestic and it's just amazing
Also his hair needs to be soft and somewhat groomed
Even if it's super curly, you should be able to run your fingers through most of it

Okay I'll leave now

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