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I've been sleeping a lot today and finally completely woke up at about 11.
I have no clue why my dreams have been so weird, but... they have. I don't know if it's my medicine, sleeping on the couch or in uncomfortable positions, or some mental illness that I may have developed, but... my dreams have been weird. Very weird.

For instance, I had a few dreams that I was in a group that did witchcraft... I remember befriending the leader and having them all live in my house. Now that I'm awake, I feel as if the group were... depictions of my closest friends, the leader being a friend that I've had for years. There were four girls in the group of witches, and they closely resembled some of my closest friends. It makes sense why I'd believe that, don't you agree?


Throughout my many dreams, I kept waking up. Then, I'd fall back asleep and pick up right where I woke up. It was really strange, and I won't forget about it for a while.

After those dreams, I woke up, obviously. After 10 minutes or so, I passed out again. This last dream woke me up completely. It was terrifying. Just writing about it is giving me an eerie feeling, and I'm getting goosebumps. That's how horrifying it was to me.

Let's start from the beginning of the dream. I was placed in front of my house, in the middle of the road. No cars were around, but noises from the neighboring houses could faintly be heard. My family were nowhere to be seen. The only living beings I could see were myself, my two dogs who were bleeding and pretty badly cut up, and an old woman, also cut up and bleeding, but with yellow, tumor-like things coming from her cuts. She was hanging out of the top of one of my windows.
By the way, my windows can be opened from the top of the bottom. She simply took the screen out and hung out of it.
She looked like a real version of Mother Gothel from Tangled, or the witch from Into The Woods, after their magic to keep them young failed them. Again, she was cut up.
She said some words that I can't remember, but they were along the lines of "I'm taking this house and there isn't a thing you can do about it!"
My dogs both started growling and barking at her. It sounded exactly like how they growl and bark normally, so it was pretty scary in that aspect.
I don't remember how, but the woman got out of my house. Like bloodthirsty killing machines, my dogs pounced on her and started to maul her to death. She fought back, and everyone's cuts got worse. In fact, the muscle on my dogs started to shoe through their blood-coated fur. The woman's skin was falling off of her body. I couldn't do anything in the dream but stand there and watch, tears rolling down my face.

My dogs and the woman kept struggling to kill the other. I was still there. Soon, my grandma's car appeared, nobody visible, only a shadow of someone I couldn't recognize, driving it. A voice in my head told me to climb into it, so I did. I climbed in. The window of the seat I was in rolled down. With the old woman's dying breath, she screamed something along the lines of "I'll get my revenge from the grave on you!" at me as the shadow drove off and one of my dogs bit her in the heart. I instantly woke up in a cold sweat, tears rolling from my eyes, my mouth open like I was going to scream or puke. I instantly forced myself to seem calm.

The thought of that dream hasn't left my mind. Now, my dogs are sitting next to me in a car. I can't help but feel worried that they'll go rabid and attack me. I can't help but worry that I'll end up being that old woman. I know that my dogs would never hurt a fly and that both of their barks are worse than their bite, but... I'm still worried.

If anyone can help try to calm me down or explain what might be wrong with me... I'd greatly appreciate it.
For now, that's all...

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