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I know I'm late to respond to this since I was asleep, but I feel like this needs to be payed attention to.
Thank you NonyaBissnis for telling me about this, even though I was asleep, by the way.

Apparently Tyler tried crowd surfing to a platform during Car Radio (I don't know the specifics so I'm going off of things I've heard from YouTube and the internet in general about the incident) and got his shoes stolen, his mask stolen his shirt ripped up, was dropped at least once, and was not let go of by the crowd. He got to the platform, and by that time, his shirt had been ripped so much that it was barely still attached to itself on his body.
This is NOT okay in any way, shape, or form. Musicians who try to do these things should NOT be attacked. As the video shows, he was screaming for them to stop and was trying to get Josh to help him.
From what I heard in the video, I am pretty willing to bet that he was terrified.


Musicians shouldn't be attacked, especially at their own concerts when they're just trying to get to a platform. They aren't your play toys, and you shouldn't attack them in any way. If they scream for you to stop, you should stop, as you would with anyone else.
As someone else said, concerts do not excuse pyshical abuse. This cannot be overlooked. Tyler needed serious help, and he kept getting attacked.

These are NOT my words. It's from an article online ( http://www.hollywoodtake.com/respect-tyler-joseph-watch-shocking-video-twenty-one-pilots-singer-getting-attacked-fans-184986 ) but this is what they said: ”One fan described on Instagram what happened. "Twenty one pilots played a show. during that show, the power went out, tylers mic was barely working. nothing big?" began @pentcyprep. "right; during holding on to you, tyler almost fell into the crowd. during the drum island in ride josh [dun] had to get off because of the unstable fucking crowd. not that bad?? yeah sure." @Pentcyprep continued, "During CAR RADIO, bbc security gaurds wouldnt let tyler get to his platform - so he crowd surfed to get to it. during this time, the crowd proceeded to: rip off tylers shirt, steal his shoes, steal his mask, drop him on the ground multiple times, and not let him go. tyler may or may not have been injured. he finally got to his platform and flat out ended the show; [he said] 'thats it josh we gotta end it, we gotta be done."'“

That is just crazy. That crowd was actually dangerous, and they have done crowd surfing and the drum island before. As far as I know, the crowd surfing was NEVER this dangerous and they haven't had to stop the drum island.

They took out part of their show and completely ended it because they felt threatened. They were pretty obviously terrified, I'm guessing; you don't stop a show early or take parts out unless you feel threatened. That just isn't how it works.

How Tyler was treated is horrific and inhumane, in my mind. If someone tells you to stop and calls for help, you should stop. If you're actually hurting and attacking musicians at their concerts, I honestly don't believe you deserve to be there or at any concerts until you straighten yourself up.

*deep breath*
Rant over.

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