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That's my aunt and uncle's cat, Ron Weasly
Cute, right? :3
Comment ur thoughts on his name and how he looks and him being a SATAN CAT even though his eyes are green lmao thanks lighting
He's super fat and cuddly :3
And he attacked a GIGANTIC centipede
My cousin (Miranda) walked towards him to pet him then saw the centipede and FLIPPED HER SHIT
My grandma (she, "My Love," My Love's mom, and I camw to my aunt and uncle's house without anyone else by the way) and I were laughing our asses off
My aunt (Julie) was like "it isn't that bad" then walked over there and FLIPPED HER SHIT TOO
My grandma and I laughed harder
My uncle (Ron) cleaned up the centipede and freaked them out by showing them the centipede
Miranda jumped over a couch and grabbed my arm and hid
I laughed harder
Then we messed around on Snapchat and watched Glam And Gore videos for hours
I'm having fun so far :3

Tomorrow (technically today???) will be even more fun
I'll be on later and let my phone charge
That is all for now.

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