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I have asked u to ask some questions but no one of u asked any but some of are really intreasted in reading this Q&A part so I googled  some I mean so many questions .


1) Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid.?

*  Doctor.

2) Do you believe in ghosts?

* Yes.

3) Why are you doing Q&A?
*Bcoz I'm stupid.

4) Can you swim well?
*I love swimming.

5). Have you ever been in the opposite sex's public toilet?
* yes .
It was my IIT JEE mains I got center at boys school , there was a girls tiolet but it was locked .

6). Have you ever written a book?
* yes
That is what u r reading.
And some more , check them too.

7). Have you ever broken a mirror?
* No , never

8). Are you superstitious?
* A little bit.

9). Do you slurp your drink after it's gone?
* Every time.

10). Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk?
* yes , I did .

11). Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?
* Never and it not gonna happen even in future.

12). Would you ever parachute out of a plane?
* No , but I love to.

13). What's the most daring thing you've done?
* Crossed a landslide.

14). Did you have a baby blanket?
* yes , I love it.

15) Have you ever tried to cut your own hair?
* Yes , when I was in 7th I chopped my front hair , I was trying to cut bangs or flicks.

16) How did that turn out?
* Disaster.

17) Have you ever sleepwalked?
* No , as far as  remember.

18) Have you ever had a birthday party at McDonalds?
* No , I love to celebrate b'days at home with my family and friends (kind of) and it always turns out to be a big party.

19)Can you flip your eye-lids up?
* yes and my sister hates it.

20). If you could be any age, what age would you be?
* what ever I'm right now.
yuppy I'm turning 18 next month.

21) Have you ever gotten gum stuck in your hair?
* Bloody hell , yes

22). Do you ride roller coasters?
* No .

23) What's your favorite carnival ride?
*  Disc'O  and pendulum rides.

24). What is your dream car?
* Right now I don't know.

25). What is your favorite cartoon of all time?
* Shinshan and doremon.

26). How many times have you flown in an airplane in the last few  years ?
* 8 Times

27). How many foreign countries have you visited?
* Non.

28)Would you rather be rich and unhappy, or poor and happy?
* Rich n happy but poor n happy is not that bad .

29) If you fell into quicksand, would you try to swim or try to float?
*  May be swim .

30). Do you ask for directions when you are lost?
* No I who do that , i mean then what is the use of smart phone.


I have so many questions left to answer , if u want me to do one more Q&A  just comment down below.
Don't forget to vote.
Also if u want u can ask any question , just ask any thing .

Thank you!
Luv u all. :)

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