45 20 13

This morning I was chatting with kirtaana2290
N she told me about her new neighbours who smoke Alot...

N on my way to my classes I was thinking to put some stuff again smoking....

Ik ik this book is for fun n laugh...

It's really important...
Bcoz on my way to my classes I saw a really young boy smoking...

I was like WTH....I thought I should go n stop him..but then I thought he can be dangerous I was alone so I thought to Leave it..

But after thinking about it now I wanna share it..

If any of U do smoke plz don't !
It's harmful for ur health..

N if u do it occasionally then also don't coz u may get addicted to it u never know...

It not only harms u, it harms other people who don't smoke...

So plz stop it..N help ur frnd or anyone u know to stop em...


I wanted to say many more things but u all r aware about it already so if u do smoke stop it...

Ok ok bye. ...

Hv a nice day....

According to wattpad this chapter takes 47 second to read 😂😂✌

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