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Let's see how many answers u can give correctly ..

Warning: Don't Google it !!!

Easy one...

#1 Who makes it has no need of it,
Who buys has no use of it,
Who use it but can neither see it or feel it , what is it??

Hmm , little difficult..

#2 If you have me , u want to share me,
But if u use me , u no longer have me..
What I m??

Next is......

#3 what is soo delicate that even saying it's name will break it??

One more...

#4. What can travel around the world , while staying in a corner??

Ok ok last one....

#5 It occurs once in every minute,
Twice in every moment
But never in thousand years??

Bonus question.......

If u did Googled all the other ,, answer this question , can u ??
U can't even  find it on Google😝😝😝!!

#6 I'm adorable , I'm sweet
  Tell me something about me
That's what belongs to me..
Who I am??

Answer will be in the next chapter!!
Make sure to answer ....

Ps - ik I'm crazy!!!

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