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It's not that much sad but hmm.. Just read it!!!

When I was 7or8 years old , I lost my voice but thank God I got it back.

It's was holi , my fav festival n I was playing with my cousin , but I tripped down on wet floor , (me n my cousin made a marble floor wet , he he🙄😁)
N lost my voice , doctor told that I lost it forever but my grandpa said , I will not let this happen , she can't loose her beautiful voice .😅

He was worried bcoz I was the first child on both side of my family so he
Slapped me on my back too hard like really hard , I got his hand print on my back but I also got my voice back.

""I hv masters in slipping or falling down .""😂😂😌

How many of u r like me lol.


Thank you!

Have a nice day!!

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