: )Smile Plz .........!

176 46 29

Ok so this is something random but it may makes u laugh , so enjoy.

• What do you call a fish with no eyes?

• What to you call a deer with no eyes?
# No eye deer.

• How do you make a hot dog stand?
# Steal its chair.

• What can you hold without ever touching it?
#A conversation.

• What clothes does a house wear?

• What country makes you shiver?
# Chile.

• What do you get when you cross a stream and
a brook?
#Wet feet.

• What has a lot of keys but can not open any doors?
#A piano.

• What did the mother broom say to the baby broom?
#It's time to go to sweep.

• What did the necktie say to the hat?
#You go on ahead. I'll hang around for a while.

• Why did the doughnut shop close?
#The owner got tired of the (w)hole business!

• What happens when frogs park illegally?
#They get toad.

•What do you call a pig that does karate?
#A pork chop.

• What do you do when your chair breaks?
#Call a chairman.


so tell me which one u like the most ??

i hope it made u laugh or got a smile on ur face . Bcoz i love when people laugh and smile .

I got injured, little fingure of my foot last night and it still hurts .

thank you !

one more thing thank you soo very much for comments and vote.
We have reached 142 Vote and 82 Comments so i hope it will keep increasing .

have a nice day and a wonderful week .

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