Dear diary!!

89 22 30

                                11:59pm,  23/11/2016

Dear diary,

Finally it's night...😥😥😥
It's was a boring day..
All study no play

Today I was about to slip..God saved me otherwise I hv had a broken bones

Idk y but I keep falling..or getting injured all the time

Then in afternoon I was feeling sleepy but when I went to bed n under the covers....wopp sleep disappeared..huh..
But still I stayed in but ughh.....
I fall asleep around 4 I don't remember n woke up around 5 ..

Mom was like why the hell u sleeping at this time..

But finally I atleast completed all my pending work..pheww....

N it's cold 😭😭😭😭 why???

Right now .., I hv feeling I'm going to get cold again....plz God save me

Only one that that was good in this day was songs... without it I'm incomplete

Tried alot of writing something...
But my brain is not working properly.

N one more thing there r soo many shitty... a**hole f**ked up people...

Ik ik it's really boring but anyways...

Oh ya....

Finally 550 above followers...
N this book is back to #13
Thanx alot...😘😘😘😘


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