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I was sitting near
The window of my room,
Looking at the sky
And a white, shiny moon,
It was announced
That afternoon,
The Prom night
Is coming soon,
But look at my fate
I  had no date,
Everyone was excited
N I was also invited,
Then someone threw
A pebble from the window,
And then I heard an echo,
He asked will you be my date,
Oh my lord...yess..
This was what I wanted..,
He was my long time crush,
He always made me blush,
That was one of the best
Day of my life,
Can you believe,
Now I'm his wife...



Isn't this poem cute...

Ok ok tell me howz the poem..

N one more thing is the title suitable...??
Idk plz tell me is it suitable n if not what you think the  should be..!!!

Btw Wattpad says my story takes 36 seconds to read...lol

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