Gulf of Alaskan!!

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It is said that here water of two oceans meet but not get mixed

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It is said that here water of two oceans meet but not get mixed.

U can see in the pic n trust me its real.




Scroll down to know the secret behind it.





Come on




What !!!  r u irritated ..??



Plz don't be angry


Ok ok !!

So here is the secret...

The photograph shows that foam is formed between the two different bodies of water meeting in the middle of Alaskan Gulf. It appears as if the two oceans are colliding rather than mixing. It is said that the foam was the result of the melting glacier that is composed of fresh water. The ocean water has a higher percentage of salt. These caused the two bodies of water to have different densities. Because of the salinity and density differences, a thin wall was produced which does not allow the two different bodies of water to merge. This explains why the two different bodies of water did not mix. But given enough time, they will eventually mix together.


Have a nice day.....😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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