New year's resolution!!

75 20 31

Ok so this year is about to end and hope you had a amazing year if u don't had a amazing year it's ok it's a life .. sometimes up sometime down..


So r u guys excited for Christmas n new year ??

Well I hope u r ..coz I'm really excited

So have thought about ur new year resolution ???

N tell me seriously what ever you thought last year did u accomplished it...

About me I make same resolution every year Hahaha wake up early in the morning ...N never be late for school or anything which really important.

Who wants to get up early , it's not good for health

Early to bed
Early to rise
Makes a man
Health wealth and wise..

How many of u believe in above poem???

It should be like

Late to bed
Late to rise
Get drunk
And enjoy ur life


I hope I learn to wake up early this year which in not really sure about

N I always get late like always...
Even if I hv two hours to get ready I still get late Lmao...

So comment down below what was ur Last year resolution n did u accomplished it n what is this year's new year resolution...


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