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In the beginning of my book ,I had written I have no friends but why I never told you!!

Song for this chapter: yeh Dosti from purani jeans!!
(On the top)

So let's start with beginning...

I made my first bestfriend in Arunachal Pradesh when I was only 4-5 year old , when we (me , mom n dad)
shifted to Arunachal Pradesh from Uttar Pradesh.
As far as I remember her name was Mena(a birds name) .
We were really good friends , play all day n I  had a really good time with her  , but after few months my dad got job at Delhi n we left that place but she gave me a ring which she was wearing that day when I left n I still hv that , idk if she still remember me or not .

When we shifted to Delhi we took a ranted house bocz there were no house to buy anywhere near my dad's office .
There I met a guy his name was Anurag , in very less time we became really good friends , we spend all our day together after school bcoz we were in different school.

But we have to left that place after a year bocz my dad bought a new house which was close to his office but far away from the place where we use to live.
After few years of shifting , I asked my mom that I want to meet him n she agreed too , we went to his house but they also shifted from there n went back to Rajasthan . So I lost him too.
That time I was in UKG n in school I had no frnds at all ,Anurag was my only friend.
Then I changed my schl too in first class ,
There I made many frnds but we all drifted apart as the time passed but few r still my friends.
Till 5th I was in a group of  5 girls ,
Me , Aarti , Harleen , Harshita n Vaishali Verma but there was one problem , Harleen was best friend with Aarti n Harshita with Vaishali Verma n I was kinda alone but we had alot of (mostly) bad n good memories ...

In 6th  many new children came to our class n I just drift apart from that shity group n a new girl took my place n I hate her not bocz she took my place but bocz she was really mean to me.
N there I met another new  girl name Meghna we turned out to be really good friends, hang out together , talk about boys , do gossips kinda things but it took little time to be friend with her , in 8th I stood up for the election of class monitor n she did too n luckily we both won after that we turned out to be besties n in 9th there was a guy named Amal boys monitor he was also my really good friend.

Me , Meghna n Amal were together till 10th but after 10th I left the school n lost every contact with Amal idk why!
But me n Meghna still were frnds but not besties anymore bocz I left the school n she made many new friends but we still talk , but not too much.

But for my surprise , in my class there was a girl name Vaishali Joshi we really were not good friends  but when I left the schl we turned to be good one  n I talk her almost regularly on WhatsApp but we never realy met after 10th .
Side buy side I made another friend his name was Jitesh , we were in same school but he was one year elder then me , we live in same gali (lane),
We go to school in same van , we use to play together at his house n study at my bocz my mom use to take tuition at that time I met him when I was in 6th n he was in 7th , we r still frnds but little busy in our own life but we still chat alot .

When I joined new school I was busy in my studies that I didn't got time to hangout with new people so , I made no frnds in new school.

But I met so many good people in my coaching classes most of them were from different States but they were my friends n still they r but idk if we ever meet again or not .
I also met a girl name Aakriti she is my besti but she lives too far away from my house that we also never meet .

There are few more people who r still my friends but just kinda frnds I can't share anything with them .

But thanx to wattpad I made alot n alot of friends who r really good n supportive .
Love u all 😘😘😘

I cried while writing this chapter missing all of em .😢😢

If u want to know what fullish things I did in my school life plz tell if not just leave it .

I had some evil people in my life too if u wanna know what they did to me I will tell you but that's it for now.

Look at the chat I had with her while writing this chapter

Look at the chat I had with her while writing this chapter

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Thanx for reading my story maybe , this was really boring n long but if u did read this Thanx n also thanks for being my friend

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Thanx for reading my story maybe , this was really boring n long but if u did read this Thanx n also thanks for being my friend.

N ya I m really sry for posting that shity poem your eyes , it was really bad ..

I have a nice day😊😊.

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