3- Late!!

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Jimin POV:
   I opened my eyes and found myself sleeping on a deflated air mattress. I looked around and see the sun slowly rising from outside the window. My brother rushed down the stairs, wearing a suit and look towards my direction....
"Oh, you're up" he said in shock.
I slowly sat up and said,"yeah, where are you going, like that?".
He gave me a serious look and answered," I'm going to work, and you need to go to your new school".
I had a "O"expression, then reply,"Okay, I'm getting up" "Also good luck at your new job!" I gave him a "FIGHTING", then headed towards my bedroom.
By the time I walked into my room, i heard the door shut. I sighed and took a quick shower then got dressed. I grabbed an apple from the counter and took a bite. I looked up at the clock and stopped eating. I took about fifthteen minutes to get my things together and rushed out the door, grabbing my phone and backpack on my way out. I rushed towards the bus stop and saw a crowd of people walking in, hoping there is space for me.

Jungkook POV:
   I woke up, and looked towards my window and noticed the sun didn't rise yet. I was surprised that I woke really early and headed to the bathroom. I got dressed and went towards the kitchen. I saw a plate of eggs, bacon and two pancakes on the counter with a note beside it. I read the note...
From: eomma
To: Kookie
Sorry Kookie, I had to go to work early because I have a meeting to prepare for. I made breakfast for you before I left. I hope it's warm still by the time, you wake up. Have a good day at school!! See you at dinner, Kookie!!

❤️Love, eomma💋

I smiled at the note, and started eating my breakfast. I finished and cleaned my dish, then wandered what to do now. I decided to take a walk, and grabbed my backpack and headphones. I walked out and saw my old house across the street.
( Btw their thoughts are now going to be bold, okay? 👌🏼 )
I miss my old house, I wished we didn't have to move! We only moved for the extra space and bigger yard with a bigger pool, but I miss my old house.
I walked towards my old house and looked at the flowers that I planted to add color to the place. I smelled them and looked at the house and thought......
Who lives there now??

  The sun started rising, so I looked at my phone and saw that the bus will come soon. I walked to the bus stop bench and sat there, pressed shuffle and Good boy by Gd & Taeyang started playing. As the song played more people started going to the bus stop. When the song ended, the bus came and people started walking infront me. Trying to get a seat before its all taken, there was two seats empty in the back and I headed there. I sat near the window and stared out of it. I was waiting for the bus to move, until I see a guy with black- hair running pass and begging to the driver to let him in. The driver gave in and opened the doors. He walked in, I looked at him and he started walking towards the seat next to me. I looked back out the window, when he caught me looking at him. He was standing near the seat next to me and suddenly tapped my hand that was on the second seat like I was saving it.
"Mmmm excuse me, are you saving this seat?" He pointed to my hand and stared at me to answer.
I took off my left earphone and answered,"No, you can seat here". I moved my hand right before, he sat on it and stared back out the window. He sat there putting his headphones and his phone in his back pack. Then started eating his apple that was in his other hand.

I chuckled a little at seeing someone that looks so lost and innocent, just eating a apple like he is in a cafeteria or a place where you should eat at.
This guy is really interesting, I wonder if he is going to the same school as me?.

Okay that's it for now!! Mianae!! Also jimin met jungkook, well he doesn't know his name yet but soon he will. 764 words!!!

Hope you liked it!!

✌🏼️ Annyeong!

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