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Jungkook POV:
   I woke up pretty early than usual. I guess it's because I fell straight to sleep after helping jimin. Jimin, it causes me to think so much about my feelings and what he means to me. I know he's more than a friend but I just don't know. Yes I do have a crush on him, like how can you not. He's cute, sexy, funny, sweet, kind and such a fucking tease. I swear I can make him so weak after one kiss, but then I don't think he likes me back. I know that Tae most definitely likes him too. He knows his feelings and thoughts better than I do. I really hope that they don't get together. Like I do wish that Tae and Jimin will be happy but Jimin is mine and only mine. I love Tae as a brother and all, but when it comes to Jimin. It's going to be war.

  I woke up at I don't know what time, but the sun wasn't up yet. That was all I was thinking about since I couldn't sleep. It makes me feel better that his brother accepts me as Jimin's boyfriend more than Tae. Even though Tae could treat him better than me, but his brother gave me some confidence in myself. I decided to not stress myself too much about it and try to sleep again. As soon as I closed my eyes, my phone started to ring. I threw myself off my bed to grab my phone. The ringing was starting to get on my nerves. I looked at the name and it was Tae. I rolled my eyes and answered the call.

Kookie: Hello.
Tae: Heyyyyyy, Do you want to go somewhere today?
Kookie: Like what?
Tae: I don't know, but Do You??
Kookie: (Shrugged) I guess so.
Tae: It's a yes or no question.
Kookie: So? I answered you at least.
Tae: (sighed) Okay. So I'll ask jimin to come along later. Night.
Kookie: Okay. Night.

                 Call ended.

  I walked back to my bed and threw my phone next to my pillow and jumped on my bed and fell asleep. I woke up again at least four hours later. The sun was up and my room got really hot. I kicked off my blanket and went to the bathroom to clean up. When I was done, I went downstairs and saw no trace of my mom. I walked into the kitchen, looking around but there was nothing. I guess she went out today. I opened the fridge, expecting already made breakfast but was disappointed when there was only leftover dinner. I sighed and grabbed the milk and some cereal. As I poured the milk in the cereal, my phone vibrated.

I walked towards it and it was Tae. I rolled my eyes and replied to him. Causing a text battle about dick sizes. After our battle, I went back to my breakfast and went to the living room to eat and watch tv. I finished eating and cleaned up. I got shook, when there was loud banging at my front door. I went to open the door and glared at the person I. Front of me. It was Tae of course.

"Come in" I told him. He smiled and walked in. "So where do you want to go?", he asked me. I shrugged and realized something. "Isn't jimin joining us?". He frowned and looked around the house. "He didn't reply to the group chat""Also I think he's still sleeping". I nodded and asked if he ate yet. He shook his head no, but rather eat out. I agreed since he's treating and went to the mall.

We went to mall because we didn't know where we wanted to go eat at, also I needed new clothes. Tae was still sad about jimin not answering us in the group chat, but he will get over it after some food. The mall was really crowded than usual. There were lots of girls all dressed up with there hair styled and makeup prepared. The guy's were no different, then there were groups of families walking around too. It took us twenty minutes to get to the food court. Of course, all the tables were taken so we ordered something light to eat as we walked around.

"So why are you so sad?" I asked because Tae being so silent was getting really annoying. He shrugged. "Just wished we had jimin here, I swear I might be inlove with him". I frowned because I don't know if I even love him but I was a little upset for his sudden confession. "Are you sure it isn't just your stomach being hungry?". He shook his head no, "I know the difference of liking him as a friend and wanting to kiss him and hold hands with him". I looked to the ground as we walked, feeling stupid for not knowing how I feel. It could just be me liking him as a friend than a lover. Tae suddenly changed the subject which made me lift my head again. "Okay, back to the task""Where's the food at?!". He shouted in eager. I rolled my eyes and walked faster than him causing him to chase after me like a child. We finally chooses to eat sandwiches and got some coffee. We ate as we walked through store. Buying clothes and catching people checking us out. The whole day was normal as it was. We shopped and ate and talked. Nothing really special. We went home and dropped our stuff off, then got hungry. We didn't want to go to a expensive place so we walked to the nearest food place. I remembered Jin works at a cafe at the end of the block near the park. I told Tae that's where we're eating at and started walking there. As we were getting close. I recognize someone by the window and it was jimin and his friend. I stopped in my step as Tae stopped too and eyed me weirdly. "Why did you stop?". I ignored him and watched what they were doing. I know it's weird that I am just watching them outside like a stalker but I felt a slight jealousy as I saw jimin smiling, laughing and blushing as he hid his face. I was frozen. Now I was just more confused at myself. I was jealous even though I know that they were best friends like me and Tae but I wanted to be the one to make him blush. I just blinked and looked away and Tae was still questioning me. I just took his wrist and walked to a convenience store. Tae was still confused but went with it. I guess he didn't see jimin but I bet he didn't feel the jealousy like me.

When we parted our ways, I laid on my bed and thought over everything. I rubbed my face and pulled my hair slightly as I just don't understand my feelings anymore. I was jealous for no Fucking reason. I just ignored all of it and went to sleep. Now wishing jimin did hanged out with us and at least answered our texts.

Sorry I didn't update for a few months. I think, I'm not sure. I'm sorry that it's a boring chapter, just causing some conflict. What's a story without drama. I'll update my other books when I get this to twenty five chapters. So I won't update this much until I get those books started. Sorry for the wait. 1272 words.

Have a good day~


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