12- Closer

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- Sorry for not updating lately, I lost inspiration for this book and I'm having inspiration to start another one, but I can't abandon this one. Unless you guys want me too. Anyway here is my update.

Jimin POV:
   After the party yesterday, I almost forgot that we still got school the next day. I felt so tired, because I got home at two in the morning. I woke up with my brother gone and he left a note on the table, where I saw him fell asleep at last night. It read.....
Hey Jimin,
When you wake up, I hope that you spot this letter or note whatever it is. If you didn't, you will wonder why I'm not home yet. I will be traveling back to busan for my work. I will be back tomorrow night, so don't worry about me. I left takeout menus on the kitchen counter and leftover  sushi in the fridge. Sorry, that I didn't tell you when you woke up, but I had to get on the plane with my boss. Hope you keep the house clean or I will kill you when I get back!

Be safe my Brother.

   I smile at the letter and started to get ready. I was happy that I didn't drink or I will be so tired and too lazy to get up. I was headed to the bus stop, but saw that Jungkook wasn't there. I looked around and stopped at his house. I stared and waiting for the door to open, but it didn't. So I decided to walk to school instead, so I can work off my fat. While walking, thoughts of the party started running through my mind. I stopped walking, when the thought of one of the guys touching me and trying to get down with me came up. I cringed at the thought and kept walking, but faster this time.

    I made it to the school and there was only at least five or eight people walking around the halls. I was so confused about why there is only a few people. Until it hit me, I must be really early. I quickly grabbed my phone and it just turned exactly six o'clock. My jaw dropped that I woke up that early. Then it makes sense why Jungkook wasn't there at the bus stop yet. I chuckled and mentally face-palmed myself for being so stupid and clueless. I put my stuff away in my locker and headed to my first class, which was of course empty. I sat at my seat near the window and checked my phone. I listened to some Big Bang and Exo as I texted Jungkook that I went to school early, so he will not wait for me at the bus stop. After texting him, I noticed that we got a lot closer lately. We know a lot about each other and that we might consider each other best friends, but Tae is his best friend. So I just thought that I'm just his friend and that's all.

   I listened to music for awhile, until people started coming into the classroom and I knew that school will start soon. Jungkook soon enough came in and I didn't know that we have the same first class. He looked around the class and spotted me, then smiled and headed straight towards me. I smiled back and he started questioning me about why did I wake up so early. I of course answered him, then noticed something or someone staring at me from the doorway of the classroom.

   I looked past Jungkook to the doorway and it was the guy. I tried to remember his name and then it hit me. It is Jaebum. Jungkook stopped talking and looked at where I was looking at and then gave him a glare then looked back at me.
I sighed in relief when Jaebum just left before the bell rang. Jungkook then looked back at me and said that he had to go. I said bye and realized that he isn't in my first class with me, but Tae was suppose to be. I decided to text him to find out where is he. He answered that he won't be coming to school, since he doesn't feel like it and he has a big hangover. I laughed silently and said I hope he will feel better tomorrow. He gave me a wink emoji and said that if he sees my smile that he will feel better. I blushed a little from the sudden response and remember that he likes me, so it makes sense.

   The teacher walked in and I told him that I got to go. School was over, I decided to see Tae and invited JungKook with me, since that's his best friend. Tae was wearing a robe, when he opened the door. I blushed when his chest was exposed and I could see his nipples clearly. He noticed and smirked at me, then smiled. Jungkook was watching what was going on and closed Tae's robe and said people could be watching. Tae give him a glare that he ruined the moment and told us to come in. He explained why he was in a robe and that we can do anything that makes us feel at home. Honestly with a house like this, I don't think I will never feel uncomfortable here.

   I was walking around as Tae went to take a shower and Jungkook follow me around, since he already knows Tae's place. He explained to me of what this room is used for or what rooms we were allowed to be in. I nodded and listened to him carefully, so I don't get in trouble from Tae.

   After exploring the house, we ended up in the living room watching on his 200 inch tv, which was really big. ( idk I just put that number, also he's rich so who cares ) I was really amazed by his house. Me and Jungkook was just watching whatever started playing on the tv, until Tae jumped on the couch right next to me. He ended up with his legs over both of my thighs as his knee was touching mines and one arm around my neck. He stared at my face like he was waiting for something. I was confused about what he's looking for, but just ignored him and kept watching the tv.

Then Tae changed his position to his head laying on my thighs and his hands in a praying form while under his head for support. He faced my stomach and stared up at me. I looked at his gaze and yelled yah! And pushed his shoulder back. He fell back, making his head lay back on my thighs. He whined at me, saying why I did that to him and started swarming around. Making his head rub on my crotch a little by little.

Jungkook was watching everything carefully, until he noticed I started blushing and pushed Tae, telling him that he's making me uncomfortable. Tae fell back, this time on the floor and rubbed his bum.

He gave a pout to me and asked did I really felt uncomfortable. I didn't know how to reply, until Tae looked at me then observed my body. He stopped at my crotch and I followed his state, then realized the growing tent. I immediately got up and headed to the bathroom that Jungkook showed me. Tae and Jungkook rushed after me and started knocking on the door, asking if I was okay and if I need help. ( if you know what I mean 😏, lol I'm so dirty minded )

   I blushed, feeling embarrassed by having a tent and that they both noticed it. I guess I haven't touched it for awhile and that's why this happened. I tired to figure out the quickest way to get rid of it. Then I said, " Fuck It!" And started jacking off like crazy. It felt so good, since it been forever since I did this. I guess I never thought about it and just stopped. The pleasure was incredible as i knew that I was getting to my climax. I smiled in relief that it didn't need to take so long. The knocking was still going on and Jungkook and Tae asking if I'm okay and what am I doing. I cleaned up and flushed the toilet, acting like I needed to poop. I opened the door and the first thing I see is a smirking Tae and a worried and angry Jungkook. I smiled and said that I just needed to poop and that everything is fine. Tae checked me out and then smiled back. Jungkook just agreed to what I said and we went back to the living room.

    We started talking about many random things, until it got dark and Tae asked us to sleepover. We agreed since we can go to school tomorrow together and had nothing else to do. We just played video games and talked about school and sports. It was 11:56pm, and we decided to go to sleep. Tae said that we can just share his bed since its big enough for all of us. I just went with it and we end up with me in the middle of Tae and Jungkook. While laying in bed, I was thinking about how today went and how I was happy that I made such fun friends and that I should sleep. Before I fell completely asleep, I felt a arm wrapped around my waist and that person started cuddling with me. I didn't open my eyes to check who it was and fell asleep.

That is a wrap, if you get what I'm talking about. Anyway hope you like and I might start another jikook book, but right now school is a pain in the butt with homework. So I can't update often but I will try. Hope you liked it!! 1669 words!!

✌🏼️ Annyeong!!

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