20-Getting Together

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How are all of you doing?
Finally updating~ Yay!

Jimin POV:

   I woke up on the air mattress in between my brother and Jhope. I sat up and stretched my arms, like glancing at my brother and Jhope. Jhope had his leg over mine and was snoring lightly with his mouth wide open. My brother was just laying on his side. I smiled at Jhope and can't believe he might start living with us. I always imagined us living together but I couldn't leave my brother alone, so it never happened until now. I lightly lifted jhope's leg and placed it next to his other as I slowly got out of the bed. Being stuck in the middle was not a great idea.

I walked upstairs to get ready and started making breakfast. I cooked fried eggs with kimchi fried rice. I ate silently and got a mischievous idea. I finished up my plate and put it in the sink to wash later. I went towards the two sleeping boys and check if they were still sleeping. I went to my pile of dumped schoolwork and markers & pencils. I searched for a washable black marker and sneaked my way near the two boys again.

Trying my best not to laugh as I drew Jhope a goatee and a unibrow. I went to my brother and before my marker almost landed on his face, his eyes opened. I stood frozen and he stared at me and slowly got up. He yawned then turned to his left to see what I did on Jhope and chuckled quietly. He turned back at me and took the marker from my fingers as I was still shocked that he woke up so easily. He was drawing something on jhope's nose and I tried to peek at it.

When he was done, he threw the marker back at me and walked to the bathroom like it was nothing.  I looked back at Jhope and burst out laughing as I saw a dick the shape of his nose. I felt bad that I didn't think of it but I know that my brother was going to get some punishment more than me.

After my brother ate his plate, Jhope finally woke up. He yawned and got up sleepily to the bathroom. My brother and I stared as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Counting down how long it will take for him to realize what we done. I was getting close to twenty when he ran out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth and some toothpaste drool coming out. We laughed and ran away from him as he chased us. He gave up and spit the toothpaste in the sink and finished getting readying. He finished his breakfast and he offered to clean the dishes. While he made my brother have to wash the marker off him and give him a piggyback ride when he wants up. My brother just shrugged and agreed without any hesitation, but he didn't know that he will be giving him a piggyback ride everywhere. Jhope told him to take him upstairs to change and bring him back down, then to carry him towards his phone. I couldn't stop laughing this whole morning until I got distracted by a text message.

I reached for my phone and I got a text from a group chat that's called "Hello Bitches". I rolled my eyes as I knew either jungkook or Tae came up with it. I checked the message and it said.....

Kookies- SHUT THE FUCK UP and let me sleep!!!!
Taetae- Whathappened?lost yourcaps?
Kookies- What about you? Lost your space?
Taetae-So You're basically up now right?
Kookies-Never Said that.
Taetae-Yet you're still texting me
Kookies-I'm texting you in my sleep, now goodnight!
Taetae-Okay then, I'll wait for Chimmie Then!
Kookies-Obviously he's still sleeping
Taetae-So? I'll go into his dreams and tell him to wake the Fuck up and talks to me.
Kookies- Wow you'll be such a great boyfriend.
Taetae- I know I am because I got this Dick and my Beautiful self.
Kookies-So your dick isn't beautiful, that's sad. Maybe because it's a tic tack.
Taetae-Trust me it's more than beautiful and mines is bigger than yours
Kookies-How would you know?
Taetae-We showered together before Bitch!
Kookies-Doesn't mean you look at my dick.
Taetae-You saw mines too so shut up!
Kookies-Whatever Goodnight.
Taetae- Chim Chim!! Come talk to me! Baby small pickle  Jungkook is being mean to me. Wake up and talk to me please!

I was laughing and rolling my eyes at their conversation. Now I know how they text each other. I was thinking of what to say when I realized that my brother and Jhope were looking over my shoulder at the conversation the whole time. I gave both of them a glare and closed my phone.

"Do you need something?" I said and raised a brow at them. They both shrugged and my brother said, "Just looking at who you were texting and now I kinda regretted it". I chuckled and smiled at his comment about their texting battle of sizes. Jhope was slightly pink but I didn't know why.

An hour later and we were watching whatever movies were playing and got bored of it. So I decided to give Jhope a tour of the neighborhood. I grabbed jhope's wrist and quickly told my brother that we will be back soon, then left. I dragged him out towards the street and Jhope pulled away from me roughly. I turned to look at him and he stared at me in confusion. It was silent for a couple seconds until he said something first.

"Why are you dragging me around?", he asked me. Suddenly I realized that I didn't tell him I was taking him around. I just got up from the sofa and dragged him out without any explanation. I laughed out of my stupidity and replied, "Sorry I was planning to show you around and I forgot to tell you". He smiled at me. "You're always stuck in your thoughts". I chuckled because it's true and told him that I wanted to go to the cafe at the end of the street. He nodded and told me to lead the way.

We walked through the door, smelling coffee and pastries around the cafe. We took a seat near the window and looked around for a little before looking at the menu. Our waiter came to our table and asked us if we wanted anything. I looked up from my menu and gasped at our waiter. He seemed to noticed and smiled.

"You remembered me?". I nod my head yes without noticing and he gave a small laugh at that. I blushed at how I'm reacting and looked back at my menu. Jhope was just watching the situation and ordered first.

"I'll have a black coffee with cream and sugar and a piece of apple pie". He wrote it down and looked back at me. I bit my lip, still thinking of what to get. When I finally decided I looked up to see him staring at me and I blushed again.
I looked at my menu again and said, "I'll have green tea and a muffin". He smiled at me and replied, "Is that all?". We both nodded and he left. Then Jhope attacked me with questions.
"What was that all about?""Did he ask you out and you didn't answer him?""Is he your boyfriend and you didn't tell me?". I rolled my eyes at him and replied, "First, He's just a friend and I feel bad because we exchanged numbers and I didn't contact him yet. Then I saw him again at a party but didn't realize that was him so I feel so stupid for not recognizing him". I rubbed my face an out my head down. Jhope patted my head and said, "It's not a problem and he doesn't seem offended so you're going to be fine".

I still had my head on the table until I heard footsteps coming to our table. I tilted my head to look and it was him. I looked at his name tag and I remembered. He's Jin, the one who hit with with a door and stuffed his face with food at the party. I laughed to myself at the memory. Jin placed their orders on the table and said enjoy, then went to other tables. I took a bite of my muffin as Jhope did the same to his pie.

We stayed there talking and laughing at each other until the cafe was about to close. We didn't realize how fast time went by until Jin came to us and said that we're about to close. We apologized and got up to leave. Before we left, I went to Jin and said I do remember you and if you are free we can hang out tomorrow. He smiled and said yes, then I went home.

When we got in, my brother had some of our decorations and furniture already laid out and finished. He looked up at us when he heard the door close and said, "I thought you said that you're coming back SOON?". I put my head down and said sorry and he forgiven me. Telling me that for payback, I will be taking him shopping and paying for whatever he wants. I sighed and said fine. He smirked in victory and Jhope tackled him for me. I laughed and I am so thankful I have Jhope.

We finished putting all the furniture and decorations in place and sighed in relief. We looked at the time and it's three in the morning. I didn't want to go to school tomorrow but I have too. The good thing is that I have Jhope now so it won't be so boring and tiring. We all slept in our own rooms and that was it.

Yay! I updated, I'm sorry that I couldn't update earlier. I'm making a hybrid Jikook book, coming soon. Hope you like it. 17011 words.


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