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Update!!! Yay! Hope you like my story so far! I don't know if I have people actually reading this or not, but I'll update anyway! Let's go into the story now!!....

Jimin POV:

I woke up from feeling really warm and curled up against someone. I slowly opened my eyes as all I could see is someone's chest. I see it moving up and down slowly and I just watched it for a few seconds. Until I feel the person pull me closer to them. I widen my eyes and slowly look up, then met such a handsome face. I blushed at how close we are. I never felt so flustered and shy around Tae, but right now I feel like I'm looking at the most beautiful thing right in front of me. My face was still red as he move his legs against mines and rub our crotches together slightly. I was shocked at the small movement and move back a little at a time.

Until my back hit someone's arm. I look over my shoulder and see jungkook still sleeping peacefully. I looked down on his body and see the shape of his arm on his stomach to his manhood. My jaw dropped, I can't believe he would jack off with his friends in the same room.

I faced back to Tae and he shuffled, then he started opening his eyes. I started at him as he fully woke up and immediately smiled at me. I blushed at his smile and smiled back. I felt so happy and amazed at how good he look in the morning. He just woke up and I just feel like the room became brighter. As I was lost staring at him, I didn't notice him slowly leaning towards me with his lips puckered. I looked from his eyes to his lips as he kissed my forehead then my left cheek, doing the same to the right too. He backed away and smiled. Then he said, "Good morning, my cute baby~".

I was lost at what just happened, until he lightly chuckled and got up. I snapped out of my daze and followed his movements. Until he stopped in front of a drawer and started picking out clothes. I stared at him as he started choosing two jeans and two shirts then socks. He turned towards my way and smiled at me again. I flushed and just watched him.
"Minnie~, you can't stare at me forever", he said with a child voice. I laughed shyly because I though that was cute.
"Mianae Tae~, I was just lost and starting to wake up", I said as my excuse. He smiled again and I swear I might faint.

Then he placed a white shirt and black jeans on the bed next to me.
"You can wear my clothes for today, I hope it will fit since I'm kinda taller than you", he said and smirked. I looked at the clothes and sat up, picking up the shirt to examine how big it is.

Then I looked at him with a glare.
"I'm not that short!", and pushed his shoulder back kinda rough. He chuckled as he walked to the bathroom. After a few minutes, I heard the shower running. I got up and looked at the clothes again, putting the shirt against my chest to see how big it is for me. It wasn't so bad, so I started undressing right there. I took off my shirt first then put on Tae's shirt. It was a bit longer and a little loose but it wasn't bad looking on me. I started taking off my pants and almost took my boxers with it as I heard the bathroom door opened.

I looked up as I froze in my position. Tae was staring at me and scanning me as his cheeks starting turning pink. His jaw dropped, then slowly lifted up to a small smirk. I looked down and see that a little bit of my boxers were low enough to show my v-line and the top on my dick. I quickly pulled my boxers up and pulled down the pajama pants. I put on his jeans, which was slightly longer than I thought. I glanced back at Tae to see him, leaning on the bathroom doorframe and watching me like a hawk.

My face red if embarrassment as I just stood there and looked down at my feet. I kept my gaze at my feet as I didn't notice that Tae is moving towards me. I jumped out of shock as he wrapped his arms around my stomach and back-hugged me. I can feel his chest moving slowly up and down as his head was on my shoulder.
"Jimin.", he whispered in my ear. I shivered slightly and looked up to talk. "Yes".
"You are really sexy!, do you know that?", he complimented me as he pushes our bodies together. My butt against his area and I flushed again.

Then unexpectedly, he nibbles on my earlobe. I let out a shocked whine as he pushes me against him harder. As soon as Tae was about to attack my neck, his breath ghosting my neck as it sends goosebumps over me, we heard a groan from jungkook. We both looked towards jungkook to see him, rubbing his self. My jaw dropped again and I swear it will hit the ground one day. Tae and I froze in our spot as we watch jungkook moan and groan lightly as he touched his self.

After about five minutes of watching jungkook enjoy his self, he pulled his hand away and his eyes fluttering open slowly. We started at him in shock as he looked at us with owl eyes. Tae let go of me as he started laughing out of nowhere and fell on the floor. I just stood there, frozen and confused at what I just saw.

Jungkook immediately sat up and started at Tae then me.
"Why are you laughing!" "Did you draw a dick on my face again!!", jungkook started shouting at Tae. After hearing what he said, I went back to reality and started laughing too. Tae was still laughing and started rolling on the floor. Jungkook was so confused and angry. He got up quickly and went to the bathroom, then slammed the door. I stopped laughing, feeling so happy. Tae slowly calmed down and got up. He wiped his happy tears from all the laughing. Then he look towards me and smiled. I smiled back as I'm also confused but I didn't care.

Jungkook opened the door and stomped towards us, still upset. He went to Tae and grabbed his collar.
"What is so funny!!" "There isn't anything on my face!" I pulled him back and Tae cleared his throat, then started to explain as he holds back on laughing again. I listened and then realized why jungkook had his hand in his pants. Jungkook started turning embarrassed as his cheeks turn red. He looked towards me and asked if I saw it too. I nodded my head yes and he looked down and felt so stupid and embarrassed. Tae pushed him back and he landed on the bed. "Cheer up! Kookie!" "It wasn't so bad, just interesting to watch", then Tae smirked at what he said as his last sentence. Kookie glared at him and groaned out of frustration as he grabbed a pillow to cover his face. Then Tae slapped his thigh and said, "Yah! Get up! We still have to eat and get to school!". Jungkook peeked out from the pillow and looked at Tae with a WTF face. He got up so embarrassed and went to the bathroom to wash up.

As soon as jungkook closed the bathroom door, my hand was grabbed by Tae and I was being dragged to the kitchen. We were in the kitchen, looking around and thinking of what to eat. We went with bacon and French toast. We got done cooking and jungkook came down right on time. We are together and talked about what Tae missed at school yesterday.

After eating breakfast, we went to the bus stop and talked some more. Tae teased jungkook about what he did earlier again and jungkook threw a his backpack at him as he glared at him, fist up and threatening to punch him. I was in the middle and stopped jungkook as I pushed him back slightly and saw the the bus was coming soon. I grabbed jungkook's backpack off of Tae and dragged both of them to the bus. We made it inside to our spots. Jungkook beat Tae to sitting at his usual window seat. I sat down next to him. I gasped out of surprise as Tae sat on me. He wiggles his butt on my lap and I blushed. Telling him to stop, but I honestly didn't mind. I didn't notice jungkook's death stare at me and Tae. As we ride all the way to school.

Okay!! That's all I will do for today. I hope you like it. I'm trying to add some drama. Also some feelings here and there. I will show AlienTae and Babykookie's POV next chapter! Coming soon. 1547 words.


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