Aladdin X Reader: The Parade of Agrabah

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Another Aladdin story. This one's for you @LiVing_colour

This one is in Aladdin's POV.

I sat on the ground next to the village kids, stolen apple in hand. They were all awaiting the start of the annual parade of Agrabah, to celebrate our culture.

In it, food would be tossed from the floats to the people—delicious cultural food, handmade by the cooks of the kingdom. Me, being myself, I wouldn't miss it. Who passes up a chance at free food? Especially when you're basically homeless.

"Look!" I turned my head to see random kids pointing and shouting. "The parade is coming!"

Parents all pushed their kids to the front, shoving to make sure they'd get food. Often, the bigger families were the most poor. They needed every bit of food they could get.

The large floats came—big, decorated platforms carried by burly men on their shoulders. On top of the floats, dozens of scantily clad girls danced, tossing some sort of wrapped food every once in a while. Only certain people were lucky enough to get some, their kids racing to scoop anything up in their hands.

I kept getting jostled up in the crowd, unable to make a grab for anything quickly enough. I just barely spotted a kid stumble out in front of the floats before I made a mad dash to grab him.

"Hey, kid! Get out of the way!" Yelling and insults were hurled at me from all angles, but all I was focused on was getting the boy out of the way. As soon as I pushed him away, he ran off gratefully. I tried to stand, but was quickly pushed down by one of the girls as she laughed at me, her body clad in a pink belly dancer's outfit.

"Street rat." I could just barely make out a smirk from underneath the scarf around her mouth.

"Get out of here," another girl in a green outfit said. "No one wants you around."

"Hey, cut it out." Another girl, dressed in a (F/C) outfit helped me stand. "This is to celebrate our culture. He's a man of Agrabah. So let him celebrate." She handed me a rolled up dish. "As-salamu alaykum." Peace be upon you.

I nodded at her, taking it from her gently. "Thank you." The lines around her eyes crinkled a little, and I could tell she was smiling. I watched her dance away from me, rejoining the line of dancers surrounding the floats. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, but I also seemed to feel her (E/C) eyes trained on me several times before she danced away, back into the palace.

"Wow," I said to myself as the palace doors closed behind them.

"I know," a little girl cheered next to me. "That parade was the best one yet!" I shook my head with a small smile. The parade had been nothing. There was something, or rather someone, else that I was in awe of.

I stood up, walking up to the palace gates. "Excuse me." I approached a guard who looked to be my age. He wasn't too big, and he wasn't as intimidating as the other guards. "Do the performers live in the palace, or do they live in the city?"

"The city," he answered, looking around nervously, like he shouldn't be talking to me. "But the castle recruits the best dancers for each parade."

"And is there any way I'd be able to find out where any of these dancers live?"

He seemed to take what I meant the wrong way because he glared at me, pushing me back with his hand. "Get out of here. That's enough questions."

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