Teen Dash X Reader: Slow Down

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Requested by: @MythHero23

"I swear, I have my math homework, Mrs. Stevens," Dash promised for the millionth time that year. "It's right here in my backpack."

You rolled your eyes as he disappeared for a split second, and was back the next, pulling the paper 'out of his backpack.' "See? It's right here. Just like I said." He handed it to her and she snatched it from him, clearly just waiting for the day he didn't have it and she could call Mr. and Mrs. Parr.

Of course, that day would never come because he left it at home every day, and in a split second, he could run home and back to school to pretend he'd had it the whole time.

He winked at you from across the classroom and you couldn't help smiling a bit. Even though he was beyond annoying, he was your best friend. Well, and your boyfriend, since yesterday. He'd asked you out, and you'd been thrilled since you'd been crushing on him for a long time.

Unfortunately, Dash was also a bit of a player, as expected when a guy has good looks and is the track MVP.

But you trusted him enough to know that his promise to you that he wouldn't hurt you was genuine. You'd known each other since you were little, and you told each other everything. Even the fact that his family had superpowers and were actually a league of super heroes called the Incredibles.

It was the coolest thing you'd ever heard in your small, boring life, and you were flattered that Dash had told you. Ultimately, it also had a little bit to do with the fact that he liked you and wanted to impress you, but he did it with the knowledge that you wouldn't judge him, and you cared about him on a deeper level than that.

The bell rang and you stood up, Dash taking your hand as you exited the school. His blue eyes sparkled in the sun light and the bright rays made his blonde hair glisten. "So, (Y/N), for our first date, I was thinking we could watch a movie at my house?"

You nodded, smiling. "That sounds great."

"Awesome." He continued leading you down the sidewalk to his house. "Jack-Jack won't be home to annoy us, so we're all good." You giggled at the thought of his thirteen year old brother. Last time he was there with you and Dash, he'd stayed up long past his bed time and basically stolen you from his older brother.

In your defense, he was the cutest thirteen year old you had ever seen. It might've just been that he was related to Dash.

"Are your parents home?" You asked as he opened the door, shutting it behind you. You didn't even bother asking about Violet. She was away at college.

"Nope." He smirked. "Mom and Dad are out on business. It's just gonna be me and you tonight. Pick out a movie, babe. I'm just gonna get some snacks." You blushed as he walked away to the kitchen. It'd only been a day, but your boyfriend had already taken to calling you babe, baby, or basically any other nickname he could think of, including beautiful—that one really made you blush.

You didn't mind, though. After all, it was just a nickname. It wasn't doing any harm.

You flipped through the DVD cases and quickly grabbed (Favorite/Movie), putting it into the DVD player. "I'm back," Dash announced, setting down the snacks as you made yourselves comfortable on his couch.

"Really?" He laughed. "(Favorite/Movie), again?" You nodded. When you were friends, you'd always pick to watch that movie whenever Dash wasn't wanting to watch Need For Speed, or The Fast and the Furious.


Halfway through the movie—and completely through the popcorn bowl—Dash reached over and rested his hand on your thigh. It was a small, innocent move, but it made you flinch considering Dash was the first guy to ever do that to you.

You brushed it off, however, not wanting to come off as a prude. You didn't want to make things between you awkward.

It was only when Dash's hand moved a little further, and his lips reached for yours that you stopped him. "Dash, what are you doing?" You held your breath while his hand held the hem of your shirt, unmoving.

"I don't know," he whispered, afraid to break the heavy silence that filled the room, despite the movie.

"Can you not... Touch me like that?" He frowned slightly and moved his hands away, playing with them almost nervously.


"Why did you do that?" You asked him, wishing he would look at you. Wishing he would focus his big, beautiful, blue orbs on yours so you could try and figure out what he was thinking.

"I don't know. I did that with all of the other girls. And none of them stopped me." You were taken aback now. "They let me do more than that."

"Like how much more?"

"They let me go all the way with them. I just thought you'd want to go all the way with me, too."

You frowned at him. With his player antics, you were well aware your boyfriend was not a virgin, but you hadn't expected he'd made moves on every girl he was with. "Dash, you have to understand I'm different."

"I know you're different."

"Then why did you try that on me?" You questioned him. He finally turned his head to look at you, and you noticed his eyes were full of regret.

"Because you're special to me. Every time I did that with someone else, I wished it was with you. I wished I could share an intimate moment with you, (Y/N). But every time it wasn't you. It developed a habit. And I know you're different, which is why I can't believe I did that. I'm sorry."

You hugged him, resting your head against his toned chest with a sigh. "It's okay. Just don't try to rush so much, okay? I'm going to be here for a long time."

"Okay." He nodded at you, his usual goofy grin back. "It's gonna be hard, but I'll take it slow. For you."

You giggled as he kissed you on the forehead and rested his arm around you, far away from any inappropriate places. "Good. I have a hard time just keeping up with you when you walk."

He smirked at you, ruffling your hair. "Okay, I can't slow down for everything, little turtle."

"But you walk faster than Mrs. Crosby," you whined, reminding him of the old woman next door. She was not a force to be reckoned with. She power walked, and she was fierce.

"You can keep up with her!" He protested.

"Yeah. If I run!"

"Okay, (Y/N), now you're just slow."

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